You can access the black market Dollar to Naira exchange rate for today, 11th January on Investors King. This online business news platform has obtained the official dollar...
1 dollar to naira today on the black market was N585 and purchased at N590 in Ibadan and Lagos
Here is the daily dollar to Naira exchange rates at both the official and black markets today, January 24, 2022. Read and follow Investors King daily update...
Daily Naira Exchange Rates; Wednesday, January 06, 2021 Naira exchange rates against global counterparts remained largely unchanged across key foreign exchange markets on Wednesday morning. Naira...
Naira Daily Exchange Rates, Thursday, December 10, 2020 Daily Naira Black Market Exchange Rates Date USD GBP EURO YUAN Canadian Australian NGN BUY/SELL BUY/SELL BUY/SELL BUY/SELL...
The Nigerian Naira gained slightly against the United States Dollar on Wednesday despite the pervasive forex scarcity. The Naira gained N5 from N483 it exchanged to...
Today’s Naira Black Market Exchange Rates Date USD GBP EURO YUAN Canadian Australian NGN BUY/SELL BUY/SELL BUY/SELL BUY/SELL BUY/SELL BUY/SELL 08/12/2020 470/483 610/620 560/570 50/70 330/362...
Naira Declines Across the Board Despite New Forex Policy Efforts of the Central Bank of Nigeria to stimulate productivity and checkmate the activities of speculators and...
In a bid to simplify and finally liberalize the receipt of diaspora remittances, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has amended its receipt procedures to allow...
Naira plunged against the United States Dollar to a record low of N495 at the black market on Thursday despite the Central Bank of Nigeria saying...