Most Nigerians, especially the average ones, appear to be going through very difficult moments of their lives over the non-circulation of the redesigned legal tender. Their...
In the first eleven months of the year, Nigerians performed transactions worth N7.56 trillion on Point of Sale (PoS) terminals, according to the data released by...
Nigeria does not have the infrastructure to run a cashless society given the size of cash transactions done daily.
The value of Point of Sales (PoS) transactions in Nigeria, hit a monthly all-time high of N735.6 billion in September when compared to the same period...
Residents of Lagos state have raised alarm over the rising case of POS fraud in the state as criminals continue to illegally access their funds.
ITEX has announced a five days zero transaction fee for all its Point Of Sales (POS) agents
PoS transactions have jumped by 39 percent to N8.03 trillion in 2022
The total number of merchants deploying soft POS solutions will surpass 34.5 million globally by 2027
The House of Representatives has reached out to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to create rigid measures to regulate the use of Point of Sale...
Nigerians are gradually disowning cheque transactions as Point of Sale (PoS) transactions rose to N13.67 trillion in three years, data obtained from the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement...