A total of N4.12tn was paid in interest by the Federal government between 2019 and 2022 on the loans got from the Central Bank of Nigeria...
The Npower management under the National Social Investment Management System (NASIMS) has unveiled the NEXIT soft loan process for N-Agro beneficiaries. Investors King reports that the...
Nigeria’s public debt burden will hit N77tn if the National Assembly approves the request by the President Muhammadu Buhari to restructure the Ways and Means Advances.
A senate ad-hoc committee has urged the Central Bank of Nigeria and NIRSAL Micro Finance Bank to let go of the recovery of credits given to...
Federal Government borrowed N6.31tn from the CBN through Ways and Means Advances in 10 months taking borrowings from N17.46tn
The supplementary budget is expected to be financed through domestic borrowing
Nigeria’s total public debt rose by 2.9% q/q or N1.3trn to N44.1trn at end-September ’22 from N42.8trn at endJune ’22.
The proliferation of online loan apps across Nigeria by some fraudulent and unscrupulous profiteers is affecting many low-income Nigerians
Zainab Ahmed raised the alarm during a two-day sensitization workshop on Project Lighthouse organised for ICT and account staff in federal ministries.
LCCI lamented that additional borrowings will further increase Nigeria’s debt-servicing bill