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The Heart and Soul OF Nnamdi Kanu – Femi Fani-Kayode



  • The Heart and Soul OF Nnamdi Kanu

In my essay titled “Head Bloodied But Not Bowed And The Ascension Of President-Elect Donald J. Trump” (Part 1) I wrote the following:

“When I went to visit the great and brilliant freedom fighter, Nnamdi Kanu, who is the leader of IPOB and easily the most courageous, powerful and credible Igbo leader in Nigeria today in his cell we had a very instructive and long discussion.

I had never met Nnamdi before and I was amazed at his depth of knowledge, his immense courage and his deep convictions.

There is no doubt in my mind that that man is going places and in him the Igbo have an Ojukwu and a Nnamdi Azikiwe all rolled into one. He is destined for greatness”.

Apparantly my words have created quite a stir amongst those who believe that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu cannot be mentioned in the same breath as Azikiwe or Ojukwu, both of whom, in my view, are also great men.

Yet despite their reservations I believe that we must give honor to whom it is due. Consequently I have no regrets for what I have said.

Those that are upset at the fact that I spoke highly of the IPOB leader are misguided and, worst still, they lack vision, foresight and insight.

They not only lack the ability to perceive individuals and events accurately but they also lack the gift of discermment. They may see the man but they cannot assess or recognise the spirit that is in him and that motivates him.

Worse of all they are suffering from good old fashioned envy and they have been afflicted with the worst form of ignorance.

Most of them have never even met Kanu let alone know him. I sat next to him for three solid hours in the most challenging and difficult circumstances.

We discussed our respective views about Nigeria, our collective history, the suffering and marginalisation of our respective people, the Nigerian civil war, the reptilian and violent nature of the Nigerian state, the present dispensation, the Buhari government and the way forward.

I have associated with, met and worked with many men of influence and power since I entered the combustible fray of politics thirty years ago but this one was different.

This was a man that had what I would describe as a Mahatma Ghandi-like quality. That is to say he is one that is prepared to sacrifice everything and anything for his beliefs, his people and his cause.

Like the great Scottish freedom fighter William Wallace I have no doubt that if he deemed it necessary he would go as far as to sacrifice his very life in the struggle for freedom and independence for his Igbo people from the Nigerian state and from our internal colonial masters and for the establishment of his beloved Biafra.

Not all may agree with him on that course but they must respect his determination, passion and courage.

Very few Nigerian leaders have that level of selflessness and commitment to any cause and, simply put, I admire it.

I looked deeply into his eyes as we spoke and I touched and weighed his soul.

I can tell you, without any fear of contradiction, that he is a profoundly good man who loves his Igbo people deeply.

He is also well-educated and widely-read and he is a formidable intellectual.

We may not have agreed on everything but I can tell you this much: we share an aversion to the spread of radical Islam and terror in Nigeria and indeed throughout the world.

We also share deep concerns about the oppression of our people by the state, the vicious persecution and desperate attempt to silence all the voices of the opposition in our country, the marginalisation and suppression of the good people and ethnic nationalities of the south and the Middle Belt, the implementation of a plainly racist and apartheid-like agenda by our government, the regular and consistent practice of genocide by our security forces, the rise in power and increasing callousness and brutality of the Fulani miltias and herdsmen in our midst, the not so hidden agenda to Islamise our nation and violate the secularity of our state, the violation of court orders, the brazen intimidation of the Judiciary and the resort to the most barbarous and hideous form of gestapo tactics, tyranny and human rights abuses by the Buhari administration.

I can also tell you that he feels and shares the pain of the Igbo and he yearns for their liberation and emanciption from an increasingly hostile and oppressive Nigerian state.

He is not a politician in the true sense of the word but rather a freedom fighter and a charissmatic leader who has managed to inspire millions of Igbo youth all over the world to once again have faith in themselves and their collective cause and aspirations. In my view that is a good thing.

I can also tell you this: he is a man of great faith and conviction and his rise to prominence is not ordinary but instead prophetic.

He cannot be destroyed or silenced by any government or man born of woman because the Lord is with him and He is using him. He is using him to say and do the things that many believe but that are too scared to say or do.

Other leaders have had their time in the past and now this is his. He is paying a very heavy price right now for what God will use him for in the future.

I recognise that fact and I sincerely hope and pray that his Igbo people will come to appreciate him and do so as well.

Very few leaders can or would be willing to take the pain and make the kind of sacrifice that this man is making today.

I am a very cautious and circumspect person and it takes me a while to warm to people or for them to win my confidence. Yet this case was different.

Nnamdi and I, rather like Che Guevera and Fidel Castro at the beginning of the Cuban revolution, connected immediately and he won my trust, respect and admiration.

If there is anyone that can truly build the much needed bridge between the south-west, the south-south and the south-east it is Nnamdi Kanu.

This is because he is pragmatic and sincere. It is because he is respectful and accomodating of alternative points of view and dissenting opinions and he speaks from a position of knowledge and strength. It ibecause he is very proud of his Igbo heritage and he would never betray his people or prostitute his principles.

The truth is that he is not just a combination of Owelle Nnamdi Azikwe and Dim Emeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu: he is a combination of Azikwe, Ojukwu AND Major Kaduna Nzeogwu all rolled into one.

The fire of revolution and the yearning for fundamental and equitable change burns in his blood and resides in his bones.

He has spoken up for, defended and fought for the preservation and dignity of his people just as those other three leaders did in the past at different times in our history.

He also serves as a rallying point for Igbo nationalism, the fight for self-determination of the people of the east and the establishment of the sovereign state of Biafra.

His love, remarkable courage and sheer passion for his people and their cause is boundless and unfathomable.

The Igbo is blessed to have him as one of the most respected and reverred leaders in our entire history as a nation.

They would do well to appreciate him more, pray for him, stand up for him, line up behind him and insist that the government honors the numerous court orders that have granted him bail and release him from prison.

Why? Because he bleeds and suffers for their collective cause and he is sacrificing all to remove their shame and lift their pain.

What a man he is. What a mighty spirit. What a beautiful soul. What a braveheart.

Permit me to conclude this contribution with the following observations.

All over the world today the concept of political correctness has been discredited and rejected. Consequently right-wing nationalist and ultra-nationalist groups and political parties are rising up and regaining credibility and power.

In the United Kingdom we have the Nick Farage’s of this world and his UKIP whose magnificent efforts resulted in Brexit. In France we have the Marie Le Pen’s and her National Front. In Hungary we have the Viktor Orban’s and his Fidesz party.

In the United States of America we have the Donald Trump’s and his new and redefined Republican party.

We also have plain-speaking and honest men like Michael Flynn, who has just been appointed as Trump’s National Security Advisor.

Political parties with a similar ideology and that are led by equally strong-willed, focused and charissmatic figures are also making great waves and slowly gaining more power and relevance in Italy, Germany, Austria, Holland, Greece, Belgium, Hungary, Russia, the Phillipines, Israel and indeed all over the world.

Thankfully Nigeria has not been left out. We have men like Nnamdi Kanu in the east, Ganiyu Adams in the west, Asari Dokubo in the Niger Delta and others from elsewhere who believe passionately in the restructuring of the Federation, the redefinition of the Nigerian state, the right of self-determination for their respective people and the expression of power, pride, self-respect and dignity for their various ethnic nationalities.

Freedom beckons whilst the wind of change is blowing across the world and no-one can stop it.

I thank God for that and I also thank Him for the millions of men of courage, strength and vision that have joined the fray.

Whatever happens in Nigeria and whatever may come our way, one thing remains clear: an idea whose time has come cannot be successfully resisted. Today may belong to our oppressors but tomorrow belongs to us.

At the appointed time we shall rise up to where we belong as a people and we shall free ourselves from the demonic shackles and satanic chains that have have been placed upon us by our collective tormentors.

And when that time comes we shall stand shoulder to shoulder with men like Nnamdi Kanu and face down our collective enemies.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shall rise to our defence and the Lord of Hosts, the Ancient of Days, the God of the Armies of Israel and He who holds the universe together by the power of His word shall lift us up to where we belong.

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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Lagos Eyes Investment Surge as Sanwo-Olu Unveils Growth Strategy




Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State is spearheading a bold push to attract significant investment inflow to boost the state’s economic growth.

During a Pre-Summit Investor Roundtable at the Africa Social Impact Summit (ASIS 3.0), held at Eko Hotels and Suites, the governor outlined strategic opportunities for investors.

With the theme “Invest Lagos – Investment Opportunities,” the summit was organized by the Sterling One Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce, Cooperatives, Trade, and Investment.

Attended by business leaders, chambers of commerce, and industry captains, the event underscored Lagos’ potential as a hub for economic activity.

Sanwo-Olu highlighted Lagos’ positive economic outlook, citing an expanding population and sustainable infrastructure as key growth drivers.

Despite challenging business environments, the state’s economy has shown resilience, welcoming new investments while sustaining existing ones.

The governor emphasized reforms aimed at improving the ease of doing business. He mentioned that digitizing services had reduced bureaucratic hurdles, fostering a stable business climate.

Sanwo-Olu assured potential investors of the state’s commitment to creating a supportive environment that ensures returns and security for investments.

“In the last five years, Lagos’ GDP has grown by 50 percent,” Sanwo-Olu stated. “We aim to sustain this growth and ensure the gains of the past years are not reversed.”

Sanwo-Olu identified sectors ripe for investment, including transportation, tourism, health insurance, and waterways. He expressed the government’s dedication to advancing development plans in these areas.

Commissioner for Commerce, Cooperatives, Trade, and Investment, Mrs. Folashade Ambrose-Medebem, highlighted Lagos’ economic strides, noting that the state’s GDP had increased from N27 trillion to N41 trillion in five years.

She detailed strategic investments, particularly the allocation of N550.7 billion for infrastructure in 2024, and the commitment of N44.33 billion to food security initiatives.

Sterling Bank’s Managing Director, Mr. Abubakar Suleiman, pointed out that economic growth in Africa is often hindered by an unstable investment climate.

The summit aimed to build investor confidence by fostering trust and transparency in business environments.

“Lagos remains a leading destination for investors,” Suleiman noted. “The state provides clarity and access to markets, maintaining consistency in its investment strategies.”

Sanwo-Olu’s administration continues to focus on diversifying Lagos’ economy through strategic investments in various sectors.

The state’s proactive approach has positioned it as a global city and an emerging African financial center.

The governor’s initiative is expected to further solidify Lagos’ reputation as a prime investment destination, paving the way for sustained economic growth and development.

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Vice-President Harris Gathers Momentum as Democratic Nominee



Kamala Harris

Vice-President Kamala Harris has secured the support needed to become the Democratic nominee for president.

This was after President Joe Biden announced he would not seek re-election, endorsing Harris as his successor.

According to CBS News, Harris has received endorsements from over 1,976 delegates, surpassing the threshold needed to clinch the nomination in the first round of voting at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) scheduled for August.

Delegations from at least 27 states have expressed full support, showcasing a strong backing across the nation.

In her address to campaign staff in Wilmington, Delaware, Harris expressed gratitude for the widespread support, adding that she committed to uniting the party and the country.

“We have 106 days until Election Day, and in that time, we have some hard work to do,” she stated.

Harris laid out her vision for America, contrasting it with that of her likely opponent, Donald Trump.

Speaking on the direction of the campaign thus far, she said “Our campaign has always been about two different versions of what we see as the future of our country. One focuses on the future, the other focuses on the past.”

She acknowledged the accomplishments of the Biden administration, highlighting her pride in serving as vice-president.

“My time serving as vice-president was one of the greatest honors of my life,” Harris said, underscoring her dedication to continuing the work they started.

In a phone call to his campaign team, Biden praised Harris, urging his supporters to rally behind her. “I’m hoping you’ll give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to Kamala,” he said.

Despite stepping back from the race, Biden vowed to remain actively involved in supporting Harris and emphasized the importance of defeating Trump, calling him “a danger to this nation.”

Harris’s nomination marks a significant milestone, but challenges remain. The campaign will focus on addressing key issues such as healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality.

With millions of dollars pouring into her campaign since Biden’s announcement, Harris aims to capitalize on the momentum and build a coalition that appeals to a broad spectrum of voters.

As the DNC approaches, Harris is expected to formally accept the nomination, solidifying her position as the Democratic leader.

The coming months will be crucial as she works to unite the party and reach out to undecided voters. With her historic nomination, Harris stands poised to make a lasting impact on the future of American politics.

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President Declines Nomination, Endorses Harris for 2024



In a significant political announcement on his account, President Joe Biden has decided to forgo the opportunity to seek re-election in 2024, instead throwing his full support behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

The surprise move, shared with the public this morning, represents a pivotal moment in the Democratic Party’s journey toward the upcoming presidential election.

In his statement, Biden said that his choice to step aside is driven by a desire to concentrate on his remaining duties as President.

He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve alongside Harris, calling her selection as his Vice President in 2020 “the best decision” he has made. “My fellow Democrats,” Biden began, “I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

The President’s announcement signifies a strategic shift in the 2024 election landscape. By endorsing Kamala Harris, Biden not only aims to consolidate support within the party but also to set the stage for a unified front against former President Donald Trump.

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” Biden declared. “Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

This endorsement comes as a surprise to many, given Biden’s earlier commitment to seeking re-election.

However, it reflects a broader strategic maneuver to ensure party unity and strengthen the Democratic position in the face of a formidable opponent. By focusing on Harris, Biden aims to leverage her growing popularity and political acumen to fortify the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

Kamala Harris, who has served as Vice President since January 2021, will now be thrust into the spotlight as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Her campaign is expected to build on the legacy of the current administration while addressing key issues facing the nation.

The move also raises the stakes for the Republicans, who will need to prepare for a robust campaign from a seasoned political leader in Harris.

As the 2024 election cycle ramps up, Biden’s endorsement is likely to reshape the dynamics of the race, influencing both Democratic strategies and Republican responses.

The coming months will be critical as Harris and her team work to solidify their platform and rally support from voters across the nation.

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