Cristiano Ronaldo, the iconic Portuguese footballer known for breaking records on the field, is now facing an unusual restriction off the field as he cannot open...
Video-sharing platform Youtube has announced that its new marketplace, the creator music catalog is now available to all Youtube Partner program participants (YPP) in the United...
Video sharing and social media platform Youtube has offered a new monetization option for shorts creators. The tech giant recently rolled out its new partner program...
YouTube, an American online video-sharing and social media platform will be introducing handles for members of its community by 14 November 2022.
Youtube has announced plans to revamp its partners' program to monetize short videos in order to enable creators to earn revenue.
As part of plans to expand its existing free streaming efforts, YouTube has announced the launch of stream-free, ad-supported TV shows, the first of its kind....
YouTube and Google Play Store will no longer continue all payment-based services in Russia – this is inclusive of all its subscription-based services. The suspension of...
Popular social media platform, TikTok is notably one of the most used apps globally – serving users with short-form video content from creators of several genres....
Content Creators on YouTube are set to have more ways of monetizing their uploads with new tools the video-sharing platform intends to introduce in 2022. Features...
Barely two years after announcing that Nigerian content creators can participate in the #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund initiative, YouTube has released names of the second batch of...