Kingsley Sule, nicknamed Kellyrae has won the Big Brother Naija competition titled No Loose Guard. After the 70-day competition involving 28 housemates, the show’s host, Ebuka...
One of the twins’ housemates in the Bbnaija season 9 competition, Wanni Danbaki, popularly known as Wanni, has emerged as the winner of the Innoson car...
The new Big Brother Africa show, ‘Big Brother Titans‘ is set to come up on screen Sunday, January 15, 2023. Investors King recalls that in September...
The CEO of MultiChoice Nigeria, John Ugbe stated that the new show will last for 72 days with viewers from 46 countries.
BBNaija Generates Over N7.2bn From Votes Nigerians voting for their favourite contestants on Big Brother Naija Reality TV show spent N7.2 billion on votes, according to...
The recently evicted Big Brother Naija (BBN) housemate, Anita Natacha Akide, popularly known as Tacha continues to grow in popularity worldwide despite her unceremonious eviction from...