Despite Bitcoin recently experiencing volatility, the asset is attempting to mount another resurgence towards a new record price. Crypto hedge funds are therefore increasingly projecting the...
The Bitcoin network continues to witness an eye-popping activity on its blockchain despite high volatility in Q2, after the asset sharply declined from its all-time high...
Jack Dorsey’s Square made more than 90 percent more gross profit than the same period last year, with $546 million coming from Cash App’s Bitcoin services....
The price of Bitcoin has surged more than 10 percent in just a few hours earlier today, with prices quickly surging from roughly $35,000 to tag...
Bitcoin will hit its previous all-time highs again by the end of the year with prices driven higher by the “carefully considered arguments” and “new measured...
Bitcoin ATM operator Athena Bitcoin has unveiled its plan to install 1,500 bitcoin ATMs in El Salvador. The company will install dozens of machines as a...
El Salvador President Nayib Bukele has announced a bitcoin giveaway to promote the cryptocurrency’s use as legal tender in the economy and to give people an...
An indicator that has historically marked major price bottoms is pointing to a renewed flow of capital into bitcoin. The stablecoin supply ratio oscillator created by...
On Wednesday, Lennard Neo, Head Of Research at Stack Funds, a Singapore-based crypto-focused fund management company, explained why they believe that “Bitcoin is very close to...
Bitcoin mining machines manufacturer Canaan has started mining bitcoin in Kazakhstan, following the crackdown on bitcoin mining in China. Canaan said its AvalonMiner units are already...