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Online Blackjack Terminology Explained for Beginners



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Not everybody who plays blackjack online is a pro. However, you can improve your blackjack gameplay and become a better player with a bit of homework and practice. The first lesson of learning to be a better blackjack player is to understand blackjack terminology. Without this, you simply won’t understand what is going on. Fortunately, you don’t have to venture far to learn a few of the basics. We’re here to help.

The Basics

In blackjack, there are certain moves that are deemed “basic”, and you’re going to need to learn these before you can even hope to land wins. Hitting and standing are two of the most common terms, where hitting involves taking a new card, and standing requires you to stick with what you’ve got. Busting involves going over “twenty-one points” and losing. Meanwhile, when you split, you’re dividing your hand into two hands (at a cost), and when you double down, you’re doubling your stake for just one more card.

Soft vs Hard Hands

You will often hear the gambling terms “soft hand”, or “hard hand” thrown about in blackjack. These terms can mean various things in different games. In blackjack, though, a soft hand is one which gives players more room to manoeuvre because it has an ace in it. By contrast, a hard hand offers more rigidity. As it lacks an ace, it doesn’t offer much wiggle room.

Insurance and House Edges

Two other terms you may wish to note are “insurance” and “house edge”. Insurance is an optional side-bet that you can take while the blackjack game is being played. It can see you potentially pocket earnings of 2:1 if the dealer has blackjack, but it is a risky bet. By contrast, house edge tells you the percentage of each bet that is pure profit and that the house keeps (and that can’t be won by players), with the rest representing RTP. You want as low a house edge as possible when playing blackjack.

Variants Explained

Blackjack is a game that can be played in many different variants. A variant is a “type” of blackjack game. For instance, European Blackjack, American Blackjack, Face-Up 21, Blackjack Switch and Blackjack: Double Exposure are all blackjack variants.

Deck-Related Terminology

Let’s end by looking at some deck-related terminology. We’re sure that you already know that “deck” refers to a complete set of cards (minus jokers). Shoes represent a collection of several decks combined and shuffled. Discards (as their name implies), are any cards that have been dealt, and they remain by the side until the dealer inserts them back into the shoe to be shuffled once more. Finally, we have face-up cards. These are any blackjack cards that appear with their value side facing upwards. In most games, one of the dealer’s cards will be face-down. However, in some games – such as Double Exposure – the dealer with have two face-up cards.

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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How to Extend a Health Insurance Policy After it Has Expired



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Health insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning and ensuring access to quality healthcare. However, sometimes life gets busy, and you may forget to renew your insurance policy on time.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s essential to understand your options for extending your medical insurance coverage after it has expired.

The Importance of Renewing Your Health Insurance Coverage

Renewing your health insurance policy is not just a routine administrative task—it’s a critical step in safeguarding your health and financial stability. Here’s why the renewal of medical insurance coverage holds immense significance:

Continuous Protection

Renewing your medical insurance plans ensures uninterrupted coverage for yourself and your family. In the event of unexpected illnesses, accidents, or medical emergencies, having continuous coverage provides you with peace of mind knowing that you can access healthcare services without worrying about substantial out-of-pocket expenses.

Financial Security

Just like having medical insurance in the first place, renewing your policy offers financial protection against the high costs of medical care. Without coverage, medical expenses can quickly accumulate, leading to financial strain or even bankruptcy. By renewing your policy, you maintain a safety net that shields you from the financial burden of unforeseen healthcare expenses.

Access to Comprehensive Healthcare Services

Renewing your medical insurance ensures that you maintain access to a wide range of healthcare services, including preventive care, diagnostic tests, treatments, and medications. With coverage in place, you can visit healthcare providers, specialists, and hospitals as needed, allowing you to address both routine healthcare needs and unexpected medical issues effectively.

Preventive Care and Early Intervention

Many medical insurance plans cover preventive services such as screenings, vaccinations, and wellness exams. Renewing your policy allows you to continue accessing these essential preventive care services, which play a crucial role in maintaining your health and well-being. By detecting health issues early and taking preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions and improve long-term health outcomes.

Peace of Mind

Renewing your medical insurance coverage provides invaluable peace of mind for you and your family. Knowing that you are adequately protected against unforeseen healthcare expenses allows you to focus on other aspects of your life without the constant worry of potential financial burdens associated with medical emergencies.

Steps to Extend Health Insurance Coverage

Renewing your medical insurance coverage is crucial for maintaining continuous protection for yourself and your loved ones. Here’s a detailed guide on how to extend your medical insurance coverage:

Contact Your Insurer Promptly

Initiate communication with your insurance provider soon after the policy expiration. Clearly express your intention to extend the coverage and inquire about available options.

Review Extension Options

Discuss with your insurer the various options for extending your medical insurance coverage. Take time to understand the specific terms and conditions associated with each option provided.

Reinstate Lapsed Policy (if applicable)

If your policy has lapsed, check if your insurer offers a reinstatement option. Understand the reinstatement process, including any fees and requirements involved.

Pay Outstanding Premiums

Ensure prompt payment of any outstanding premiums if you’re reinstating the policy. Clarify the total amount due and inquire about acceptable payment methods.

Undergo Health Check-up

Be prepared to undergo a health check-up or provide updated medical information if required by the insurer. Understand the importance of this step in reinstating the policy and ensure compliance.

Explore Alternative Options

If reinstatement is not feasible, explore alternative options provided by your insurer. Consider short-term or interim coverage solutions until a new policy can be secured.

Consider Purchasing a New Policy

Evaluate the possibility of purchasing a new health insurance policy if extending the expired policy is not viable. Compare different plans, coverage options, and premiums to find a suitable policy.

Assess Additional Coverage Needs

Assess any changes in your healthcare needs or lifestyle that may require additional coverage. Consider factors such as pre-existing conditions, prescription medications, and anticipated healthcare expenses.

Review Policy Terms and Conditions

Thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the extended or new policy. Pay close attention to coverage limits, exclusions, deductibles, and co-payments to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Final Words

Renewing your medical insurance coverage is essential for continued protection. Understand your health needs, review policy details, and communicate directly with insurers for clarity. When it comes to reliable health insurance in India, Niva Bupa stands out as the best health insurance company for its commitment to delivering quality healthcare solutions.

By choosing Niva Bupa for your medical insurance renewal, you can trust in their expertise and dedication to providing comprehensive coverage tailored to your individual health requirements. Ready to safeguard your health and well-being? Ensure complete coverage by renewing your policy with the best health insurance company, Niva Bupa.

Explore their range of medical insurance plans, which include easy insurance claims processing, to secure the protection you need for peace of mind.


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DIY Options Trading: Using a Custom Strategy Builder



Options trading offers traders the opportunity to profit from fluctuations in stock prices without owning the actual shares.

However, success in this dynamic market requires more than just luck—it demands a carefully crafted trading strategy tailored to your goals and risk tolerance. 

That’s where a custom option strategy builder comes in. It’s a DIY toolkit for options trading, allowing you to mix and match different moves to suit your financial goals and risk tolerance. 

In this article, we’ll explore DIY options trading, showing you how to use a custom strategy builder to craft your own path in the market. 

How to use a Custom Strategy Builder

Using a Custom Strategy Builder for trading or anything else means making a plan that fits just right with what you want to achieve, how much risk you’re okay with, and what you like.

These builders are like tools or setups that let you create, try out, and put your plans into action without having to deal with complicated coding or math. 

Here’s an easy guide to help you use a Custom Strategy Builder the right way, so you can make smart choices and get the most out of it.

1. Define Your Objectives and Constraints

Crafting a custom strategy starts with clear objectives and understanding your risk tolerance. Decide what you aim to achieve, like maximizing returns or minimizing risk. 

Assess how much risk you’re willing to take, as this will shape your strategy’s aggressiveness or caution. Consider your trading timeframe, whether short-term gains or long-term growth. 

These foundational decisions guide the selection of indicators and conditions in your strategy, ensuring it aligns with your goals and risk profile.

2. Select Your Indicators and Conditions

In this step, you select indicators and set conditions for your strategy. Choose technical indicators like RSI or MACD that align with your goals. Define specific conditions for entering and exiting trades based on these indicators. 

This step is crucial for outlining how your strategy operates, ensuring it triggers actions at the right moments based on your chosen market signals. 

It’s about customizing your strategy to your objectives, using the selected indicators to guide decision-making in trading.

3. Backtesting Your Strategy

Backtesting is a critical step in strategy development, allowing you to test your strategy against historical data to predict its performance without financial risk. 

It involves applying your strategy’s criteria to past market conditions to assess potential outcomes. This process helps identify strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to make necessary adjustments. 

By evaluating how your strategy would have performed historically, you can refine it to improve future performance, thus optimizing your approach before applying it to real-world scenarios.

4. Implementation

Before applying your strategy with real funds, it’s wise to test it under live market conditions without financial risk, known as paper trading.

This simulation helps validate your strategy’s effectiveness in real time. Upon satisfaction with the paper trading results, cautiously transition to using actual capital, preferably starting on a smaller scale to manage risks.

This approach ensures that your strategy is not only theoretically sound but also practical and adaptable to live market dynamics.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Tweaking

Continuous monitoring and adjustment are crucial for the success of any strategy. Regularly analyze your strategy’s performance and market conditions. If the strategy underperforms or market dynamics shift, be prepared to make necessary tweaks. 

This iterative process of refinement, based on performance data and new information, helps keep your strategy aligned with your goals and responsive to the changing financial landscape. 

Essentially, staying adaptable and proactive in strategy management maximizes effectiveness and goal alignment.


Using a Custom Strategy Builder simplifies creating a personalized strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. 

You can enhance your decision-making process by following steps like defining objectives, selecting indicators, backtesting, and continuously refining your approach. 

And if you’re looking for an exceptional platform for your trading needs, consider Dhan. It is one of the best option trading platforms, offering comprehensive tools and features to support your trading journey.

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Is Scalping Crypto a Good Idea? Everything You Need to Know



In the realm of cryptocurrency trading, where the landscape is ever-evolving, and the stakes are invariably high, the strategy of scalping has gained prominence among traders seeking to leverage the market’s inherent volatility for profit.

Scalping, characterized by its fast-paced and high-volume trading approach, aims to capitalize on small price movements within the market. This strategy is built on the premise that it is more feasible to secure small, frequent gains than to wait for significant price shifts. While the potential for quick profits is appealing, scalping requires a nuanced understanding of the market, rapid analytical capabilities, and an exceptional level of discipline.

The Nature of Scalping in Crypto Markets

Scalping’s allure lies in its exploitation of the crypto market’s volatility. By engaging in numerous trades throughout the day at this platform, scalpers attempt to accumulate profits from relatively minor fluctuations in price. This method contrasts markedly with more traditional long-term investment strategies that often depend on substantial price movements for profitability. However, scalping is not a strategy that suits every trader. The necessity for constant market surveillance means that a scalper must be prepared to dedicate significant time and attention to their trading activities. The 24/7 nature of the cryptocurrency market means that opportunities and risks are perpetually present, requiring continuous vigilance from the trader.

The Appeal of Scalping

For many, the primary attraction of scalping is the prospect of generating a steady income from trading. In the unpredictable and often tumultuous environment of the crypto market, the ability to achieve consistent small gains is particularly appealing. This approach offers a more active trading experience, which can be satisfying for those who thrive on immediate results and enjoy the adrenaline rush of making swift trading decisions. However, beyond the allure of potential profits and the thrill of active trading, scalping demands an in-depth understanding of market trends and an ability to react swiftly to changes.

The Risks and Challenges

Despite its attractions, scalping comes with its own set of risks and challenges. The sheer volume of trades made during scalping increases exposure to transaction fees, which can quickly accumulate and significantly impact overall profitability. Additionally, the mental and emotional toll of maintaining intense focus and making quick decisions can be substantial, potentially affecting the trader’s well-being and performance over time. If you find yourself constantly stressed or anxious, consider using calming techniques or taking a break from trading. Remember, your health is more important than your wealth. The use of leverage, while common among scalpers to increase the potential for profit, also amplifies the risk of loss, making effective risk management crucial. Moreover, the success of scalping strategies can be contingent on the capabilities of the trading platform used; delays in order execution can critically undermine the strategy’s effectiveness.

Required Tools and Skills

To navigate the challenges of scalping successfully, traders must equip themselves with advanced tools and develop a refined set of skills. Access to sophisticated trading software that offers real-time market data and lightning-fast trade execution is indispensable. Such tools enable scalpers to identify and act on trading opportunities swiftly before market conditions change. Scalpers must also be adept at analyzing market indicators and charts quickly, employing a range of technical analysis tools to guide their trading decisions. Perhaps most importantly, successful scalpers possess an exceptional level of discipline, allowing them to adhere strictly to their trading strategies and risk management rules even in the face of market pressures.

Is Scalping Right for You?

Determining whether scalping is an appropriate strategy involves careful consideration of your trading style, risk tolerance, and personal circumstances. If you are drawn to the fast-paced nature of the trading world and are capable of dedicating the necessary time to monitor the markets continuously, scalping could be a fitting and potentially rewarding approach. It is well-suited to individuals who can process information rapidly, make quick decisions, and interpret market sentiment in high-stress situations. However, for those who prefer a more measured approach to investing or find the high-intensity environment of scalping daunting, other strategies may be more aligned with their investment objectives and temperament. Lower risk investments like bonds or precious metals might be a better option, as they’re less likely to take 10, 20, or eve 30 percent dips in a single day.

Final Thoughts

Scalping in the cryptocurrency market presents a unique blend of opportunities and challenges. While it offers the potential for regular profits and the excitement of active trading, it demands a significant commitment, sharp analytical skills, and unwavering discipline. Prospective scalpers must carefully evaluate their ability to meet the demands of this strategy, considering both the personal and financial implications. With a thorough understanding of the market, the right tools at their disposal, and a disciplined approach, traders can navigate the complexities of scalping and potentially achieve success. However, it’s crucial to approach scalping with a clear strategy and realistic expectations, recognizing the risks involved and being prepared to adapt in response to the ever-changing dynamics of the cryptocurrency market.

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