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Shooting First, Asking Questions Later




By Jeffrey Halley, Senior Market Analyst, Asia Pacific, OANDA

That was pretty much the response of both national governments and financial markets on Friday as fears over the new Omicron Covid-19 variant swept the world. Travel restrictions from Southern Africa have been quickly erected with Israel shutting borders full stop. In financial markets, US bond yields sank as investors rushed for safety (bond prices move inversely to yields), oil prices collapsed by over 9.0%, stock markets headed south with commodity prices and haven currencies such as the Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen has banner days as markets priced in a return to wider movement restrictions.

Having been burnt so badly with their own complacency over the emergence of the delta variant, national governments were taking no chances this time around. Interestingly, both gold and bitcoin flopped as well, and it seems neither is a haven or an inflation hedge when the flag really goes up. Looking at the performance of the platinum group metals on Friday, I am not really surprised that gold sank. But I also suspect that quite a bit of cross margin liquidation accounted for the sell-down in gold and cryptos.

As the week starts a new, it is a very mixed performance in Asia today. Over the weekend, the WHO said that omicron’s symptoms appear to be mild, and the head of Moderna said a newly rejigged version of their vaccine could be available by early 2022. That seems to have been enough to flush out the perpetual optimists of the US stock market, with US index futures strongly rallying this morning. Oil has leapt 4.0% higher as well, recouping nearly half of Friday’s losses. US 10-year T-note futures fell by over 1.0% on Friday (percentage of the price, not headline yield), but have fallen 0.35% this morning, meaning US 10-year yields have edged back up, and the US Dollar, having crumpled on Friday, perhaps the day’s biggest surprise, is stronger across the board.

If US-dominated markets are attracting the buy-the-dippers like flies to a fresh pile of dung, the picture is rather more cautious in early Asian markets. Australia, Japan, and South Korean stock markets are all lower, and sentiment barometers, the Australian and New Zealand Dollars have hardly moved. Gold spiked lower to $1770.00 an ounce when the margin servers went on at 0700 Tokyo, but quickly bounced back to be unchanged at $1793.00 an ounce. Some poor soul has been stopped out in the Monday twilight zone.

Asia’s caution is understandable. Memories are still raw in the region of the delta wave earlier this year, including the author. Asia has a much higher beta to world trade and the global recovery than the US where the majority of GDP is internally generated. Having moved heaven and earth over the past six months to get vaccination rates across the region to impressive levels, the prospect of them being rendered useless and trade suffering is understandably weighing on sentiment. The first move in early Asia on Monday is often the wrong one. If that plays true today, the early optimism shown in the most illiquid time of the week for global markets, could evaporate as the day goes on. It is hard to see Europe for example, already facing another Covid-19 wave and more restrictions, suddenly finding light at the end of the virus tunnel.

The fact is, we don’t know enough about this new variant yet to make a conclusive call on whether this is delta 2.0, or a more benign version. That uncertainly alone should cap optimism but-the-dip waves this week, although the annoying use of “mutant virus” or “mutant strain” has reappeared in the global press as if we were facing the zombie apocalypse. That won’t calm nerves but even as a non-scientist I can tell you that every time a virus mutates it becomes a mutated strain, not a “mutant strain” leading the world to doom. Flu evolves every year in multiple strains (hence we need a flu shot every year), but its not a “mutant flu.” So, stop scaring people to sell column inches. That said, viruses don’t mutate to become worse at what they do, and if this version is subsuming delta, itself a nasty beast, caution is warranted.

Viruses aside, the world does move on and although omicron will capture the hearts and imaginations and column inches of the world and the financial market this week, there is other stuff happening. China releases official PMIs tomorrow and Caixin Manufacturing PMI on Wednesday, and Services PMI on Friday. Wednesday the 1st also sees the usual dump of PMIs for the rest of Asia and Europe, which also sees Eurozone Inflation and pan-Europe Retail Sales on Friday. South Korean Industrial Production and Retail Sale will generate some attention, as will Australian Retail Sales and Balance of Trade.

Believe it or not, this week is also a US Non-Farm Payroll week, usually the one ring to rule them all. The street is pricing in another 500K+ jump in jobs although its impact is totally reliant on the evolution of the omicron situation. If that has faded and payrolls are strong, we will be back to the Fed taper-trade. If it hasn’t, then it will be ignored no matter what the headline number is, as the street prices in central banks everywhere, including the Fed, breaking the glass, and hitting the big red “WIMP” button.

Speaking of central bankers, we have a plethora of them speaking tonight in the early hours before Asia. The ECB’s Christine Lagarde and the Federal Reserve’s Jerome Powell and the Reserve Bank of Australia’s Debelle all speak. We have a rent-a-crowd of Fed Governors, Clarida, Williams and Bowman also making speeches. We already know what the only question will be to all of them. Expect to hear lots of x central bank stands ready if needed, we have lots of tools available, monetary policy remains flexible, insert we’ll loosen policy at the first sign of trouble comment without specifically saying it here. That might be good for stocks, commodities, and bonds if you are brave.

A mixed start for Asian stock markets.

US futures markets and Asian stock markets have diverged sharply today, with US index futures rallying after the bonfire of Friday, while Asian markets have moved sharply lower once again early in the session. Part of Asia’s negatively could be a partial catch-up to the scale of the US and European rout, but also their slower pandemic recovery, the scars of delta, and a much higher beta to world trade and the global recovery.

Meanwhile, US index futures raced higher out of the gate this morning and have continued higher, likely grasping at the straw of reports that omicron’s symptoms are milder. S&P 500 futures are 1.10% higher, with Nasdaq futures jumping 1.40%, while Dow Jones futures have risen by 0.75%.

The halo effect of the US futures is starting to reverse the early losses suffered in Asian markets. The Nikkei 225 have reversed its entire early falls to be unchanged, with South Korea’s Kospi is down only 0.40%. Taipei has also recovered, down only 0.30% now. However, Singapore remains 0.90% lower, with Kuala Lumpur 0.25% and Jakarta 0.68% lower. Tourism-centric Bangkok will likely endure a tough start to the day. Australian markets have staged a sharp about-face this morning after a very negative start, both the ASX 200 and All Ordinaries rallying back to be down just 0.10% for the session.

China markets are mixed with casino stocks in Hong Kong sharply lower as China’s clampdowns extend to that sector. Technology stocks have rallied strongly though leaving the Hang Seng down just 0.20%. In Mainland China, the Shanghai Composite is down 0.30% with the CSI 300 easing by 0.25%.

Given the price action seen in Asia today, led by the US futures rally, European stocks are poised to jump higher this afternoon if the US futures rally is sustained. Having been stretchered off with serious injuries on Friday, as Europe faced a double whammy of omicron and its 4th virus wave, European markets, theoretically, have the most to gain if the price action in oil this morning, for example, is anything to go by.

I would add a large note of caution however for equities in general. Despite the irresistible pull of buying-the-dip on tenuous early information on omicron, we have just one negative omicron headline away from going back to where we started. Expect plenty of headline-driven whipsaw price action this week.

The US Dollar stages a post-Friday recovery.

In a rather surprising move for the author, the US Dollar suffered heavily on Friday, the dollar index falling by 0.74% to 96.07 as haven currencies like the Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen staged powerful rallies. EUR/USD rallied as well, perhaps because so much bad news was priced into it, climbing 0.90% to 1.1310. The US Dollar suffered I believe, on cross margining selling, and that an omicron wave would bring the Fed’s taper to a shuddering halt, something with which I agree with, as US yields fell sharply at the long end of the curve.

This morning, the rally in US equity futures and oil has lessened those fears, with US yields also firming. That has seen the dollar index rally by 0.22% to 96.28, with the JPY, CHF and EUR falling by around 0.25%. USD/JPY fell by an impressive 1.70% to 113.40 on Friday, testing 113.00 intraday. From a technical perspective, USD/JPY should start to form a bottom around 113.50 and EUR/USD will likely struggle to make much progress above 1.1300 unless US bond yields dramatically fall from here.

Currency markets are also sending out a few subtle signs that risk sentiment remains highly elevated, with Asian currencies falling aggressively on Friday, but making back only very modest gains today. Notably, USD/KRW is unchanged at 1193.50 today, and USD/CNY is barely changed at 6.3860. USD/THB, meanwhile, has actually risen 0.70% to 33.740 and USD/MYR is unchanged at 4.2380. Another warning sign comes from USD/TRY which is also unchanged, although the Mexican Peso and South African Rand, cremated on Friday, have risen 1.0% on thin volumes. The Australian and New Zealand Dollars fell 1.0% to test 2021 lows at 0.7100 and 0.6800 on Friday, but the sentiment indicators have only recovered by 0.25% this morning.

So, in the EM and commodity space, currency markets are adopting a much more cautious tone, suggesting the overall market remains very much on edge. Like equities, a negative omicron headline or two is likely to see the sell-off resume in earnest, which should benefit the Yen and Franc once again. Markets will be very much set up for a binary outcome this week based on omicron headlines, subsuming even the US Non-Farm Payrolls results. Positive news, buy everything, sell havens. Negative news, sell everything, buy havens, watch the whipsaw, and rinse repeat. Volatility will be the winner.

Oil stages an impressive recovery after Friday’s bonfire.

Oil will be the market where short volatility traders go to die this week. The omicron whipsaw is on full display today as Brent and WTI, having fallen by over 9.0% on Friday, have staged a very sharp rally in Asia. Brent crude has risen by 4.78% to $76.35 a barrel, and WTI has rallied by a mighty 5.45% to $71.85 a barrel, thanks to some tenuous reports that omicron’s symptoms are mild. Time will tell if this is correct (and I hope it is), but financial markets aren’t waiting around to find out.

The picture for oil is further muddied by the OPEC+ JMMC meeting and full meeting this week, the latter occurring on Friday. Negotiations with Iran restart in Vienna today as well over their nuclear programme. The prospect of Iranian crude increasing on international markets, another potential volatility point. Add all that in with virus developments and whipsaw price action this week in oil, is more likely to be chainsaw action.

OPEC+ compliance has held steady above 100% for quite some time now, suggesting there is not much swing production available to open the pumps anyway. I also note that pre-omicron, US production had recovered to 11.5 million bpd, yet prices were still high. That would suggest OPEC+ would have been comfortable raising production targets as planned, even if they couldn’t actually pump it.

However, OPEC+ has also repeatedly noted that a resurgent virus is one reason why they have been cautious about lifting production. OPEC+ has also forecast markets moving to a global daily surplus in early 2022. Taken with increasing US production, SPR releases, and now a potential omicron roadblock to the global recovery, OPEC+ probably has all the excuses it needs to hit the pause button on increasing production in December and awaiting further virus clarity. Friday’s capitulation will have cemented that thinking.

Either way you cut it, I can’t help but feel that Friday’s lows were probably the bargain of the year if you were an oil buyer, speculative or physical. Technical indicators are pretty useless in markets like this, but I note that the RSIs on both contracts are close to oversold, and that both Brent crude its 200-day moving average (DMA) on Friday at $72.70, while WTI has regained its 200-DMA at $70.00 a barrel this morning.

Gold, the forgotten haven.

Friday should have been gold’s safe-haven day in the sun, and for a short time it wise, rising $23.0 an ounce to $1815.50 at one stage. However, but the sessions end, gold had slumped back to a $1793.00 close, a minuscule gain. Like bitcoin, gold suffered over the course of Friday even as US yields and the greenback sank. One reason is likely the very poor performance of platinum and palladium on Friday, the other is likely to be cross-margining stop-outs with investors liquidating gold positions to cover losses in equities for instance.

A general recovery by platinum group metals, industrial metals and cryptos today has failed to flow into gold strength, perhaps because US yields and the US Dollar are higher. Whatever the underlying dynamics, the price action is negative, gold rising just 0.10% to $1794.80 this morning, with the recovery rally leaving it behind. That suggests that the downside is the path of least resistance for gold, and it is a sell on rallies this week.

Gold will have resistance at $1800.00 and $1815.00 to start the week, with the post open spike to $1770.00 an ounce this morning, a dubious move even by Monday Asia futures open standards, will provide initial support. In between, gold may find some friends around $1780.00. Failure of $1770.00 signals a retest of $1760.00 and $1740.00 an ounce.


The weekend worries unwound all of bitcoin’s 7.0% loss on Friday, as the power of buy-the-dip dangles an irresistible lure. Bitcoin is trading $57.330.00 in Asia, barely changed from the weekend session and has quite a solid line of resistance just above here at around $58,500.00 of fiat US currency. A rise through $58,500.00 signals a return to 60,000.00 in the first instance.

Bitcoin has successfully held its 100-DMA, today at $54,210.00 for three sessions in a row. My bearish radar won’t shout target acquired until we see a daily close well below that level. But if we do, a move below $50,000.00 is possible.

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Petroleum Marketers Abandon Dangote Refinery For Foreign Sellers Over Short Supply 



Dangote Refinery

Contrary to its earlier promise, Dangote Refinery has reportedly failed to meet the demand of Nigerian petroleum marketers.

Consequently, the oil dealers have returned to their mode of buying the product outside the country and shipping them into Nigeria to sell.

They accused Dangote Refinery of inability to meet their demand, stressing that the need to prevent fuel scarcity forced them into patronising foreign petroleum refiners.

According to them, the development is to supplement the country’s fuel supply.

The old dealers also cashed in on the fair market price to be importing the product following the federal government’s full deregulation of the downstream oil sector.

In September for instance, the marketers imported about 141 million litres of fuel in September.

Investors King gathered that no fewer than four vessels carrying 123.4 million litres of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) arrived at Nigerian seaports between Friday, October 18, and Sunday, October 20.

In a document by the Nigerian Port Authority (NPA), the four newly shipped vessels landed at the Apapa port in Lagos and the Calabar port in Cross River State.

It was gathered that 35,000, 37,000 and 10,000 metric tonnes of PMS arrived at Apapa port on Friday, October 18 in different batches.

Another 10,000 metric tonnes of fuel was said to have arrived at Calabar port on Sunday, October 20.

Dangote Refinery had promised to produce 650,000 barrels per day to meet its promised production target.

However, oil dealers had earlier disclosed that the refinery was producing only 10 million litres of petrol daily, far below its initial promise of 25 million litres.

The total fuel so far imported into the country stands at approximately 123.4 million litres of petrol if the conversion rate of 1,341 litres to one metric tonne is considered.

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Crude Oil

Oil to Halt Losses After China’s Bigger-Than-Expected Rate Cut



Crude Oil

Crude oil is up nearly 1% today across both major benchmarks, following a five-day losing streak.

Oil’s gains come after the People’s Bank of China cut interest rates more than expected as part of a series of economic stimulus measures that should support demand prospects for crude.

This comes amid growing signs of further escalation in the Middle East and the lack of a resolution in the horizon, which could keep the door open for a return of the geopolitical risk premium to crude prices.

The PBOC’s cut its Loan Prime Rate for one and five by 25 basis points to 3.1% and 3.6%, respectively. The anticipated move follows a series of previous measures aimed at supporting borrowers, particularly in the struggling housing market.

Despite the market’s welcome of the move, it has been met with skepticism, along with other previous monetary measures, about the effectiveness in supporting the economy. What the central bank is doing alone will not be enough, as demand for credit is still weak in the first place, according to the Wall Street Journal, citing Capital Economics. Significantly restoring economic growth requires large fiscal support, not just monetary support.

As such, I believe that oil’s gains, supported by economic factors from China, may be fragile and subject to rapid reversal.

This move also comes after the slowdown in GDP growth during the last quarter, as well as the slowdown in consumer price inflation and the contraction of producer prices faster than expected, in addition to the continued contraction in house prices, indicating continued weak demand.

In the Middle East, the prospect of regional war looms ever larger, with no signs of de-escalation from Israel, leaving the door wide open for further conflict.

Even after talk of hope for a truce following the killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, there are no indications of imminent ceasefire talks, and the escalation has actually worsened over the weekend, according to the New York Times.

This optimism emerged after the White House called for an end to the war, but I believe the U.S. administration’s repeated appeals for a truce are not serious.

In Lebanon, Israel has set out its demands for the United States to stop the war there, according to a number of US and Israeli officials who spoke to Axios. These demands include allowing Israel to carry out operations inside southern Lebanon to prevent Hezbollah from reconstituting its forces, as well as the freedom of Israeli flights in Lebanese airspace.

However, these demands will likely be rejected by the Lebanese side and the international community, as they violate Lebanese sovereignty, according to the site. Therefore, a settlement of the ongoing conflict there does not seem imminent with this very high ceiling of Israeli demands.

These demands are similar to those regarding the cessation of the war in Gaza, which has witnessed an escalation of military operations, especially in the northern part of the Strip, which comes after increasing reports of the intention to empty the north of its population, which contradicts the efforts to resolve the conflict.

In the region as well, markets are anticipating an Israeli attack on Iran in response to the unprecedented missile attack. Republican Representative Lindsey Graham said in an interview that this attack will be soon and strong.

Oil market has adjusted its pricing for concerns about the safety of regional oil supplies following a report from The Washington Post last week, indicating that Israel will refrain from targeting Iranian oil facilities. This decision aligns with the U.S. administration’s demands, given the potential impact of such an attack on rising oil prices coinciding with the start of the presidential race.

However, I believe that the Israeli attack will be met with an Iranian counter-response, which leaves the door open to targeting oil interests in the region in the next rounds of escalation that will come after the end of the elections, which may reignite rapid spikes in crude price in the coming weeks. While this supply disruption could push crude prices to $80 and even $120 per barrel, according to Citi Research’s estimate published last week.

By Samer Hasn, Senior Market Analyst at XS

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Crude Oil

Crude Oil Daily Output to Increase by 17,000 Barrels



Crude Oil - Investors King

Chevron Nigeria Limited has found a new oil field in the shallow offshore area of the Western Niger Delta.

The new oil field was estimated to hold 17,000 barrels of oil per day.

Chevron, one of Nigeria’s biggest oil producers, works with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in a joint venture to manage onshore and offshore assets in the region.

According to the report, the new field was discovered in the Meji NW-1 within Petroleum Mining Lease 49.

It was noted that the drilling was approximately 8,983 depth and 690 feet of hydrocarbons within Miocene sands when the crude was discovered.

The new field is expected to boost Nigeria’s overall crude oil output, address production decline challenges of the petroleum sector, and improve service to Nigerians.

It would also enhance Nigeria’s job creation by employing individuals to work on the field.

“This accomplishment is consistent with Chevron Nigeria Limited’s intention to continue developing and growing its Nigerian resources, including the onshore and shallow water areas,” the report stated

“It also supports Chevron’s broader global exploration strategy to find new resources that extend the life of producing assets in existing operating areas and deliver production with shorter development cycle times,” the report added.

Before this discovery, S&P Global Commodity Insights data showed a drop in oil production from the Meji field. The data revealed that daily crude oil output fell from 51,000 barrels in 2005 to 17,000 barrels in 2024, representing a 66.67% decrease.

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