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Banking Sector

FirstBank Celebrates 2021 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Week, Calls for All to  Adopt Kindness as a Way of Life



Dr. Adesola Adeduntan - FirstBank CEO - Investors King

The best definition of kindness is not one provided by any of the world’s best dictionaries but one demonstrated by how we treat others on a daily basis. Kindness is a universal language that does not require any special knowledge, exposure, skills, training or background to understand and appreciate it as a beneficiary or observer of a kind act. Neither is any special knowledge or training required to show and extend it to others. Just as anyone and everyone can be shown acts of kindness, all persons without exception can and ought to show and extend acts of kindness to others. Kindness flows from deep within us, from the better angels of our nature. Hence, the common idiom “the milk of human kindness”.

This is probably the backdrop to the theme “Kindness…a Way of Life”, which FirstBank has chosen for commemoration of its 2021 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Week (CR&S Week). This year’s CR&S Week, scheduled to hold from 26th – 30th July 2021, will feature Kind Comments Days, visits to orphanages/less privilege homes, webinars focused on the kindness theme, SPARK school engagement among other activities – lined up for each of the days. The yearly CR&S Week is a dedicated week designed to offer FirstBank staff, customers and the public opportunities to demonstrate the milk of human kindness that flows in them and give their time and resources to defined causes. It seeks to amplify FirstBank’s innate culture of giving and volunteering as embodied in its Employee Giving and Volunteering programme.

The Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Week was introduced in 2017 as part of the bank’s longstanding Employee Giving and Volunteering programme created to enable and encourage staff to give back to society through donations and volunteering. Specially designed to reignite acts of random kindness in the society with events that are tailored to reorient people towards the right values, it provides a veritable platform for encouraging the citizenry to intentionally create positive impact in their immediate environment. One of the main highlights of the first CR&S Week was the SPARK Initiative. S.P.A.R.K stands for Start Performing Acts of Random Kindness. But originally the “S” stood for “Staff”. It was changed to “Start” to broaden the initiative beyond just staff and encourage everyone else to be part of the kindness brigade. Also, “P” originally stood for “Promoting” but was changed to “Performing” to convey the sense that participants are equally involved in actually doing kind acts and not only promoting kindness.

Held between 25 – 29 September 2017 with “Promoting Kindness: Putting You First” as theme, the maiden CR&S Week was the first of its kind in Nigeria’s financial services industry. It highlighted the role FirstBank’s corporate citizenship interventions was playing in driving positive impact across various communities – all within one compact week. It was aimed at encouraging people everywhere to step out of their comfort zones, shift attention from themselves and their personal needs to others in society who have not been as fortunate as they have and perform a random act of kindness towards them.

The first edition of the CR&S Week provided opportunity for FirstBank staff to give their time and resources to promote acts of random kindness within their communities and contribute to the welfare and well-being of others through giving and visits to orphanages/homes of the less fortunate and internally displaced people (IDPs). Within the same Week the bank held career counselling sessions with secondary school students across the six geo-political regions in Nigeria with FirstBank staff coordinating the impactful sessions that inculcated the values of financial literacy and inclusion in young students. Also, staff had the opportunity to nominate beneficiaries they believe are deserving of random of acts of kindness. Through this activity, Baby Ijeoma was nominated as one of the beneficiary that received corrective heart surgery in India which was in partnership with Vama Wave Foundation. The impact of the first edition went beyond Nigeria as FirstBank’s subsidiaries in sub-Saharan Africa and the UK also participated, benefitting people and at least 22 charities in six countries.

The second edition of the CR&S Week held from 19 – 23 June 2018. Themed “Touching Lives: You First”, the 2018 Week was intended to demonstrate FirstBank brand promise to always put stakeholders first. It focused mainly on five key initiatives/activities. First was the launch of a partnership with VisionSpring to advance social impact by providing vision screening and affordable eyeglasses for 10,000 low-income earners. This aligned with the bank’s financial inclusion and financial literacy approach of promoting accessible and affordable financial products and services to disadvantaged groups with the goal of bringing these marginalised populations into the mainstream economy, improving their chances for resilient livelihoods and financial stability. Second were giving and visits to orphanages/less privilege homes. This was the biggest platform for employee engagement during the week. It followed a needs assessment of the orphanages to be visited to enable employees donate appropriate items, and employees responded generously, donating at a scale that had never been done before.  In all, eight countries witnessed this initiative while more than 26 charities participated.

Celebration of the UN International Widows’ Day on 23rd June 2018, which coincided with the last day of the CR&S Week, was the third activity. Driven by the International Women’s Society (IWS) in Lagos with whom the bank partnered to organise an empowerment outreach for 500 widows in Lagos, it provided start-up capital and capacity building required to successfully run start-ups and small businesses, to the widows. Fourth was a Career Counselling Day for over 10,000 senior secondary school students, as part of the broader FutureFirst programme of the bank aimed at ensuring the youth are empowered to be financially independent through fulfilling careers and the right financial knowledge.

Fifth and final was the SPARK (Start Performing Acts of Random Kindness) initiative, which included a SPARK Day set aside in the bank for people to act within their individual spheres of influence to promote kindness. The initiative also saw the bank receiving about 200 internal and external nominations of people deserving of kindness, out of which 24 beneficiaries were to emerge. The 2018 Week was marked across Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones with two states from each zone, totalling 12 states in all. It was also commemorated in the six countries/markets outside Nigeria where FirstBank already had subsidiaries – UK, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Guinea, Sierra Leone and Senegal.

In 2019, the CR&S Week held from 1 – 6 July 2019 with the theme “Ripples of Kindness: Putting You First”. The theme was informed by the bank’s belief that every act of kindness (regardless of how little or in whatever form) ignites a ripple effect that goes on without end. The year’s CR&S Week focused mainly on the SPARK initiative, which had gained so much traction since its humble beginnings in 2017. A Kindness Manifesto for both internal stakeholders and external stakeholders was introduced. There were other new activities or initiatives. A Nice Comments Day was introduced for the first time and scheduled to hold on the first day of the CR&S Week. The basis for it, according to the bank’s committee that oversaw the planning and implementation of the 2019 CRS Week, is the important place of words in the “kindness ecosystem”. The committee underlined this point when it noted as follows: “One of the truest reflections of how kind we are is our choice of words. That’s why we have created Nice Comments Day to help build a kinder world [through kind words].”

Another new initiative introduced in 2019 was the SPARK School Engagement, which involved launching the SPARK initiative in schools to promote the 3Cs projected as the pillars of kindness – Compassion, Civility and Charity. The schools – secondary schools across Nigeria – were to be visited to educate students on acts of kindness, encouraging them to make kindness a lifestyle. A crowd-funding initiative was also added in 2019 to enable both employees and external stakeholders donate to defined humanitarian causes, such as supporting widows, sending children (from indigent homes) to school and providing health care for the physically challenged and the old. As at August 2019, nearly N7 million had been raised through the crowd-funding initiative.

The regular initiatives/activities were also retained in 2019. There were visits to orphanages/less privilege homes. Widows’ empowerment was organised in collaboration with International Women’s Society (IWS), Nigeria to empower a select number of widows across Nigeria. The implementation in Nigeria covered the six geopolitical zones with activities held in four states per zone, amounting to 24 states in all. Six subsidiaries of FirstBank also implemented the programme in their markets/countries – UK, Ghana, DRC, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Senegal. In all, 25 schools benefitted with 6,000 students participating in terms of the School Engagement; 50 charities and NGOs, including Leap Africa and IWS, were partnered. Over 20,000 orphans/less privilege people including widows were reached and impacted.

No CR&S Week could take place in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated restrictions on public gatherings and visits. But FirstBank did not just fold its hand and sit idly. The bank did something absolutely amazing, demonstrating uncommon solidarity with a vulnerable segment of society – children. Realising that the harsh effects of the COVID-19 crisis were borne disproportionally by children, whose education and thus future were being endangered due to the lockdown and prolonged closure of schools, FirstBank embarked on a mission to do something about it. Working with partners, such as IBM, UNESCO, Robert & John, Curious Learning and the Lagos State Government, it launched the bold and ambitious e-Learning Initiative designed to move one million children onto safe online learning platform. The Initiative was to minimise the disruption to children’s education, ensuring that they remained fully engaged during the difficult period and are not left behind by their peers across the (developed) world. There are already over 150,000 students benefitting from the e-Learning initiative in the height of the COVID-19 crises. In addition, the Bank deployed communication material to create more awareness of the SPARK Initiative and to sensitize staff, customers and the public during the unprecedented times.

What greater demonstration of kindness could there have been in 2020 given the circumstances the whole world found itself, especially vulnerable children? So there may not have been a CR&S Week in 2020 but the same kindness narrative that has characterised all activities of the various CR&S Week since 2017 clearly shone through FirstBank’s COVID-19 response, especially its e-Learning Initiative. In future, people would probably easily be forgiven if they assumed the e-Learning Initiative represented FirstBank’s CR&S Week in 2020. FirstBank has demonstrated uncommon consistency over the years to its Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Week and the ideals it seeks to project through the platform. This has earned the bank the right to make the bold call that is the theme of this year’s CR&S Week.

The question is whether we will heed the clarion call to adopt kindness as a way of life. Will we go out there and extend kindness to others in ways that will make them realise that kindness is not just a word taken from the dictionary but an act that should always be expressed to others? Will we embrace kindness as our new way of life? Will we commit to making our everyday a Kind Comments Day, thus giving others permission and the strength to do the same? Will we Start Performing Acts of Random Kindness towards all and make them feel obligated to start acting kindly towards other people as their new lifestyle?

Is the CEO and Founder of Investors King Limited. He is a seasoned foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and other prominent platforms. With over two decades of experience in global financial markets, Olukoya is well-recognized in the industry.

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Banking Sector

No System Upgrade Currently Underway, First Bank Tells Customers 



FirstBank Headquarter - Investors King

One of the leading first generational banks in Nigeria, First Bank has clarified that it is not embarking on any system upgrade as erroneously reported in the social media.

Many of the commercial bank’s customers have expressed concerns over possible disruptions in banking transactions as fake report filtered that First Bank was upgrading its services.

Some had said there might be difficulties in withdrawing money or using the applications of the bank for their transactions.

Meanwhile, clarifying the misleading reports, First Bank assured its customers of seamless banking operations.

Maintaining that there is no system upgrade underway, a statement issued by the management and obtained by Investors King on Friday explained that the misrepresented statement was intended to its vendors only.

It said the step was focused on transitioning from its current I-Supplier Platform to a new Cloud-Based Supplier for improved benefits for its vendors.

“We wish to address a misleading report circulating in the media regarding a system upgrade at FirstBank.

“The message which was incorrectly interpreted and reported was sent to, and intended for our vendors only and focused on transitioning from our current I-Supplier Platform (our automated platform that connects us to suppliers) to a new Cloud-based Supplier Platform (worldclass platform for managing suppliers), to enable additional capabilities and benefits for our vendors.

“Please be informed that no system upgrade is currently underway, and all our customer applications are fully operational. We are not experiencing disruption to our services, and our banking systems, customer transactions, channels, etc, will not be affected by the enhanced supplier platform.

“Rest assured that our commitment to seamless service delivery remains unwavering as you continue to enjoy uninterrupted access to our services,” the statement reads.

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Banking Sector

Union Bank Sets New Industry Standard with Comprehensive Maternity Leave and Onsite Crèche Facility



Union bank - Investors King

Union Bank has set a new standard in Nigeria’s financial sector by offering unparalleled comprehensive maternity leave to support working mothers and an on-site crèche facility to support working parents, both male and female full-time employees.

The new initiative includes an industry-leading five months of fully paid maternity leave, exclusive of the applicable annual leave, and an on-site crèche facility.

According to Section 54 of the Labour Act in Nigeria, new mothers are legally entitled to 12 weeks of maternity leave. However, Union Bank is leading the way with this groundbreaking comprehensive package, which is a significant step ahead of industry norms.

This extended leave, coupled with the ability to take annual leave, gives new mothers more time to recover and bond with their newborns, aligning with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. Additionally, returning mothers will benefit from a one-hour late resumption for the first month, easing the transition back into work and ensuring a smoother work-life integration.

Union Bank will also be adding an onsite crèche facility to further support working parents, with a pilot programme at the Head Office set to launch in December 2024. The crèche will provide lactation rooms and family-friendly amenities, offering a convenient childcare solution, particularly for working mothers.

This initiative supports SDG 5: Gender Equality by enabling women to balance their professional responsibilities with childcare needs, helping to retain top female talent and fostering an inclusive work environment.

By promoting gender diversity, Union Bank is contributing to broader economic growth; research shows that achieving gender parity in the workforce could increase global GDP by 26%. With these innovative policies, Union Bank is taking significant steps to strengthen its position as a forward-thinking employer in the financial sector.

According to Omayuli Wale-Ajayi, Chief Talent Officer of Union Bank “At Union Bank, we are proud to set a new standard in the banking sector with comprehensive maternity leave for working mothers and crèche facilities for the babies of both male and female full-time employees. We are committed to creating a workplace where women can thrive, and these initiatives are crucial in supporting working mothers as they balance their careers and personal lives. By providing five months of fully paid maternity leave and convenient childcare solutions, we aim to retain and empower top talent, ensuring all employees can contribute to the bank’s success.”

These progressive policies enhance work-life balance and position Union Bank as a leader in workplace inclusivity and sustainability.

By prioritising gender diversity and employee well-being, Union Bank is committed to creating a supportive, inclusive workplace that aligns with global sustainability goals.

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Banking Sector

UBA Grows Interest Income Jump by 169% to N1.799 Trillion



UBA Insider dealings

United Bank for Africa, Nigeria’s leading financial institution with operations across the African continent, on Monday reported a 169.9% jump in interest income from N666.291 billion recorded in the first nine months of 2023 to N1.799 trillion in the nine months through September 2024.

In the financial statement obtained by Investors King, the lender’s interest expense inched slightly higher to N695.571 billion, 211.6% from N223.209 billion filed in the corresponding period of 2023.

Growth was broad-based as net interest income rose by 149% from N443.082 billion in 2023 to N1.103 trillion in 2024 while net fee and commission income stood at N233.853 billion, up 105% from N114.286 billion in 2023.

The bank’s total non-interest income moderated slightly to N435.840 billion. However, operating income improved by 51.25% from N1.017 trillion to N1.539 trillion.

Similarly, net operating income after impairment loss on loans and receivables appreciated 62.16% to N1.416 trillion.

Profit before tax rose by N101.392 billion to N603.483 billion in September 2024.

Speaking on the strong performance of the company in the first half (H1) of the year, Oliver Alawuba, the Group Managing Director/CEO said as of H1 2024, which constitutes the majority of the current performance, the economic environment remained challenging across the regions where we operate.

High inflation, rising debt levels, increasing interest rates, and tighter monetary policies have created significant pressure on economies globally. Despite these headwinds, our Bank has demonstrated resilience.

In H1 2024, UBA Group delivered strong double-digit growth across high-quality and sustainable revenue streams. This performance reflects our disciplined execution of strategic goals, focusing on balance sheet expansion, transaction banking, and digital banking businesses across our markets.

  • Profit before Tax: We achieved a robust Profit Before Tax of N401.6 billion, reflecting our ability to manage risks effectively amidst macroeconomic volatility.
  • Customer Deposits: Our deposits grew by 34%, from N17.4 trillion at year-end 2023 to 2 trillion in H1 2024, demonstrating the trust and loyalty of our customers.
  • Total Assets: We saw a 37% growth in total assets, reaching N28.3 trillion, up from N20.7 trillion at FYE 2023. This growth was driven by strong customer relationships and our ability to capitalize on opportunities across geographies.
  • Net Interest Income: Our intermediation business posted impressive growth, with net interest income expanding by 143% year-on-year to N675 billion, further underlining the strength of our core banking operations.
  • Digital Banking & Payments: Digital Banking income surged by 107.8% YoY to N106 billion, while funds transfer and remittance fees rose 188.7% and 228%, respectively. We continue to lead in digital banking and payment solutions, helping drive financial inclusion across Africa.
  • Trade Facilitation: Income from trade transactions grew 83% to N18 billion as we strengthened our role in facilitating intra-regional and international trade.

Our strategy of investing in technology, innovation, and data analytics continues to yield significant returns, positioning us as a leader in digital transformation.

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