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A Short History of Bitcoin and its Price



Bitcoin - Investors King

BTC was started in 2009, it was initially valued at 0 US dollars. And businesses started trading Bitcoin from the mid 2010s. Its value reached 32 US dollars in june 2011. Then 2013 was a decisive year for BTC when it shot up to 220 US dollars in April.

However, 2020 was the year when it saw an enormous rise in its value. Breaking all the records it reached just below the 30 thousand US dollar mark. After a strong ending to 2020, btc continued its rise in 2021 too. 3 months into the new decade and it has crossed the 60 thousand US dollars barrier breaking all previous records.

However, its fluctuating trend continues as is seen numerous times before. For now, its price is somewhere between 56 to 58 thousand USD. The amazing scene of its rise has attracted many investors including the likes of Elon Musk.

Recognized as the king of cryptocurrency, btc is expected to rise again and some analysts believe that it will cross one hundred thousand dollars milestone before the end of this year. Similarly, some analysts predict it to be higher than 200 thousand US dollars before the end of 2022. However, we have no evidence whatsoever to justify it truely.

How to buy and sell btc:

Compared to earlier days, buying or selling btc has become very easy. There is no shortage of mobile apps and local dealers offering these trading services. These services also include other cryptocurrencies like ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, Binance Coin, etc. They also offer Forex trading services. The trading is mostly done in usd. Bitcoin is stored in a bitcoin wallet.

What is mining and can it be profitable?

One of the other ways to get your hands on bitcoin is to mine it. Mining is a process where a part of a user’s device is used to support the transactions of btc. In return, the person who is mining gets a share of bitcoin himself. There are a large number of ways to mine bitcoin. Some software allows people to mine bitcoin on their laptops and mobile phones. However it’s not worth it unless you have a large investment and a large system.

Power consumption and its high price is one of the biggest issues in this business especially for underdeveloped countries. However, one can make thousands of dollars worth bitcoin if investment is good enough. Right now China and the USA are the leading countries in mining this cryptocurrency.

Is bitcoin worth the investment and time?

Seeing the recent rise in the btc usd trading and price in it is worth the time. But the downside of this business is that nobody can predict its price and future accurately and it can be very risky to invest in such a volatile looking currency.

Even though some big names and companies like tesla have shown significant interest and invested in bitcoin, which gives it a considerable amount of support still it does not guarantee a consistent future price.

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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The Impact of Global Politics on Forex Trading



Numerous factors impact and influence forex trading. Many have to do with macro and microeconomic factors, but politics also plays a significant role, too.

It can shape investor mood and sentiment, affect volatility, and even set trends that impact how traders approach specific currency pairs. The relationship between currency strength and politics is strong and complex, and this is what we will be exploring in this article.

Monetary Policies and Central Bank Policies

While many economists agree that this should not be the case, most central banks’ policies are heavily influenced by political actions. For example, politicians might pass laws that dictate money supply and interest rates. Both of these directly influence inflation rates that impact the strength of specific currencies. 

Interest rate adjustments and quantitative easing initiatives are areas of particular concern because they can swing currency values due to their influence on the market and currency perception.

Economic Policies

Politicians can also set and implement various economic policies that impact the forex market. New taxation measures, trade agreements, and stimulus packages can all exert a lot of influence on trade balance, economic well-being, and inflation rates.

The uncertainty they present when they are announced and as they are implemented can lead to volatility in the forex market as investors try to understand the potential ramifications and weigh different options and outcomes. Once they do, they are likely to adjust their trading positions, resulting in some currency pairs seeing additional activity and others flattering.

Investors must always keep an eye on the economic policies of countries whose currency pairs they are interested in. Doing so will inform their online forex trading strategies and ensure they can take advantage of these policies’ outcomes. They might also exit their positions because they feel these policies introduce too much volatility that increases their risk.

Geopolitical Tensions

Very few countries do not have hostile relationships with at least one other country. Additionally, new geopolitical tensions can arise overnight, impacting the forex market in several significant ways. 

The most consequential effect is investors and traders switching to more stable and safe currencies. They typically include the Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, and US dollars, which have remained stable for much of modern history. 

As more investors switch to them to use them as shelters, their values appreciate due to the increasing demand and supply that cannot keep up. Any currency pairs trading against them are impacted, with their relative value diminishing as a result.

Election Cycles

Election cycles impact the forex market in ways many people do not realize. One significant way is a reduction in direct foreign investment. When political tensions rise around election time, investors avoid those markets because of the uncertainty and high risk they present. The result is lower foreign currency reserves, which diminishes the value of the country hosting the election and faces lower-than-normal investment levels.

Elections also mean leadership changes. We have seen that leaders can make decisions or introduce policies that impact the forex markets. Investors wait to see who gets elected so they can have a better idea of the policies they are likely to introduce. If they think these policies will be unfavorable, they avoid investing, which leads to the situation discussed above.

Trade Sanctions and Global Supply Impacts

Almost every country in the world exports products or services to other countries. However, some countries are more dependent on exports than others, and this is often the case in those with huge commodity reserves. 

Sanctions that make it difficult to export commodities like precious metals, oil, and agricultural produce can significantly impact the valuation of the affected country’s currency. The result is other currencies strengthening against it and providing additional opportunities for interested investors.

The reverse can also happen. A country’s currency can strengthen once sanctions are lifted it starts exporting again.

Debt Levels and Credit Ratings

If a person cannot service a loan, lenders typically regard them as low-value and high-risk borrowers. The same happens to the country. Countries that cannot pay off their debts can be categorized as high-risk by other countries. Investors can then start viewing its currency as high risk and avoid it. This can lead to the currency getting highly devalued or high volatility in the given market.

Advancements and Developments Occasioned by Politics

Politicians can implement policies like increasing manufacturing output, mending diplomatic relationships, or making policy reforms that improve market perception and sentiment. This has the potential to affect a currency positively.

The opposite can also happen if a government implements adversarial policies. The result is often sell-off and currency devaluations.

Politics greatly influence the forex market, with policy changes, new regulations, and different choices all becoming catalysts for changes in currency values and sentiment surrounding them. Traders and investors must keep an eye on the political happenings of the countries whose markets and currencies they are interested in to identify potential opportunities or avoid risks that could severely impact their investments.

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How to Extend a Health Insurance Policy After it Has Expired



Health Insurance card

Health insurance is a crucial aspect of financial planning and ensuring access to quality healthcare. However, sometimes life gets busy, and you may forget to renew your insurance policy on time.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s essential to understand your options for extending your medical insurance coverage after it has expired.

The Importance of Renewing Your Health Insurance Coverage

Renewing your health insurance policy is not just a routine administrative task—it’s a critical step in safeguarding your health and financial stability. Here’s why the renewal of medical insurance coverage holds immense significance:

Continuous Protection

Renewing your medical insurance plans ensures uninterrupted coverage for yourself and your family. In the event of unexpected illnesses, accidents, or medical emergencies, having continuous coverage provides you with peace of mind knowing that you can access healthcare services without worrying about substantial out-of-pocket expenses.

Financial Security

Just like having medical insurance in the first place, renewing your policy offers financial protection against the high costs of medical care. Without coverage, medical expenses can quickly accumulate, leading to financial strain or even bankruptcy. By renewing your policy, you maintain a safety net that shields you from the financial burden of unforeseen healthcare expenses.

Access to Comprehensive Healthcare Services

Renewing your medical insurance ensures that you maintain access to a wide range of healthcare services, including preventive care, diagnostic tests, treatments, and medications. With coverage in place, you can visit healthcare providers, specialists, and hospitals as needed, allowing you to address both routine healthcare needs and unexpected medical issues effectively.

Preventive Care and Early Intervention

Many medical insurance plans cover preventive services such as screenings, vaccinations, and wellness exams. Renewing your policy allows you to continue accessing these essential preventive care services, which play a crucial role in maintaining your health and well-being. By detecting health issues early and taking preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions and improve long-term health outcomes.

Peace of Mind

Renewing your medical insurance coverage provides invaluable peace of mind for you and your family. Knowing that you are adequately protected against unforeseen healthcare expenses allows you to focus on other aspects of your life without the constant worry of potential financial burdens associated with medical emergencies.

Steps to Extend Health Insurance Coverage

Renewing your medical insurance coverage is crucial for maintaining continuous protection for yourself and your loved ones. Here’s a detailed guide on how to extend your medical insurance coverage:

Contact Your Insurer Promptly

Initiate communication with your insurance provider soon after the policy expiration. Clearly express your intention to extend the coverage and inquire about available options.

Review Extension Options

Discuss with your insurer the various options for extending your medical insurance coverage. Take time to understand the specific terms and conditions associated with each option provided.

Reinstate Lapsed Policy (if applicable)

If your policy has lapsed, check if your insurer offers a reinstatement option. Understand the reinstatement process, including any fees and requirements involved.

Pay Outstanding Premiums

Ensure prompt payment of any outstanding premiums if you’re reinstating the policy. Clarify the total amount due and inquire about acceptable payment methods.

Undergo Health Check-up

Be prepared to undergo a health check-up or provide updated medical information if required by the insurer. Understand the importance of this step in reinstating the policy and ensure compliance.

Explore Alternative Options

If reinstatement is not feasible, explore alternative options provided by your insurer. Consider short-term or interim coverage solutions until a new policy can be secured.

Consider Purchasing a New Policy

Evaluate the possibility of purchasing a new health insurance policy if extending the expired policy is not viable. Compare different plans, coverage options, and premiums to find a suitable policy.

Assess Additional Coverage Needs

Assess any changes in your healthcare needs or lifestyle that may require additional coverage. Consider factors such as pre-existing conditions, prescription medications, and anticipated healthcare expenses.

Review Policy Terms and Conditions

Thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the extended or new policy. Pay close attention to coverage limits, exclusions, deductibles, and co-payments to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Final Words

Renewing your medical insurance coverage is essential for continued protection. Understand your health needs, review policy details, and communicate directly with insurers for clarity. When it comes to reliable health insurance in India, Niva Bupa stands out as the best health insurance company for its commitment to delivering quality healthcare solutions.

By choosing Niva Bupa for your medical insurance renewal, you can trust in their expertise and dedication to providing comprehensive coverage tailored to your individual health requirements. Ready to safeguard your health and well-being? Ensure complete coverage by renewing your policy with the best health insurance company, Niva Bupa.

Explore their range of medical insurance plans, which include easy insurance claims processing, to secure the protection you need for peace of mind.


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DIY Options Trading: Using a Custom Strategy Builder



Options trading offers traders the opportunity to profit from fluctuations in stock prices without owning the actual shares.

However, success in this dynamic market requires more than just luck—it demands a carefully crafted trading strategy tailored to your goals and risk tolerance. 

That’s where a custom option strategy builder comes in. It’s a DIY toolkit for options trading, allowing you to mix and match different moves to suit your financial goals and risk tolerance. 

In this article, we’ll explore DIY options trading, showing you how to use a custom strategy builder to craft your own path in the market. 

How to use a Custom Strategy Builder

Using a Custom Strategy Builder for trading or anything else means making a plan that fits just right with what you want to achieve, how much risk you’re okay with, and what you like.

These builders are like tools or setups that let you create, try out, and put your plans into action without having to deal with complicated coding or math. 

Here’s an easy guide to help you use a Custom Strategy Builder the right way, so you can make smart choices and get the most out of it.

1. Define Your Objectives and Constraints

Crafting a custom strategy starts with clear objectives and understanding your risk tolerance. Decide what you aim to achieve, like maximizing returns or minimizing risk. 

Assess how much risk you’re willing to take, as this will shape your strategy’s aggressiveness or caution. Consider your trading timeframe, whether short-term gains or long-term growth. 

These foundational decisions guide the selection of indicators and conditions in your strategy, ensuring it aligns with your goals and risk profile.

2. Select Your Indicators and Conditions

In this step, you select indicators and set conditions for your strategy. Choose technical indicators like RSI or MACD that align with your goals. Define specific conditions for entering and exiting trades based on these indicators. 

This step is crucial for outlining how your strategy operates, ensuring it triggers actions at the right moments based on your chosen market signals. 

It’s about customizing your strategy to your objectives, using the selected indicators to guide decision-making in trading.

3. Backtesting Your Strategy

Backtesting is a critical step in strategy development, allowing you to test your strategy against historical data to predict its performance without financial risk. 

It involves applying your strategy’s criteria to past market conditions to assess potential outcomes. This process helps identify strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to make necessary adjustments. 

By evaluating how your strategy would have performed historically, you can refine it to improve future performance, thus optimizing your approach before applying it to real-world scenarios.

4. Implementation

Before applying your strategy with real funds, it’s wise to test it under live market conditions without financial risk, known as paper trading.

This simulation helps validate your strategy’s effectiveness in real time. Upon satisfaction with the paper trading results, cautiously transition to using actual capital, preferably starting on a smaller scale to manage risks.

This approach ensures that your strategy is not only theoretically sound but also practical and adaptable to live market dynamics.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Tweaking

Continuous monitoring and adjustment are crucial for the success of any strategy. Regularly analyze your strategy’s performance and market conditions. If the strategy underperforms or market dynamics shift, be prepared to make necessary tweaks. 

This iterative process of refinement, based on performance data and new information, helps keep your strategy aligned with your goals and responsive to the changing financial landscape. 

Essentially, staying adaptable and proactive in strategy management maximizes effectiveness and goal alignment.


Using a Custom Strategy Builder simplifies creating a personalized strategy that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. 

You can enhance your decision-making process by following steps like defining objectives, selecting indicators, backtesting, and continuously refining your approach. 

And if you’re looking for an exceptional platform for your trading needs, consider Dhan. It is one of the best option trading platforms, offering comprehensive tools and features to support your trading journey.

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