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Developing Roadmap for Greater Growth, Job Creation



Godwin Emefiele CBN - Investors King
  • Developing Roadmap for Greater Growth, Job Creation

I welcome you to this very important event which has been scheduled to allow the organised private sector, not only to air their views but also to provide some inputs into our roadmap to be unveiled in due course for achieving greater growth and job creation in Nigeria.

Given the quality of the important personalities here today, which cuts across the different strata of the Nigerian Economy, I believe that the Central Bank of Nigeria will be able to obtain valuable insights that will shape policy decisions, as we work to support the continued growth and development of the Nigerian economy.

Our goal in participating in this roundtable session is to generate valuable insights from key stakeholders on the role monetary policy authorities could play in formulating and implementing policy measures that will support improved economic growth, as well as the creation of jobs in Nigeria both in the near and long run.

This session is particularly important in light of the challenges that confronted us as a nation, following the massive drop in crude oil prices between 2015 to 2017. The crisis brought to the fore, the challenge an economy could face when it relies on a single commodity for most of its foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. The crisis also underscored the need for measures that will drive productivity in key sectors of the Nigerian economy such as agriculture and core manufacturing. Productivity growth in these sectors are badly needed to insulate our economy from volatilities in the crude oil market and help in creating jobs on a mass scale, given our large and growing population.

In setting the context at today’s session, you will observe that the CBN took a number of actions in the last 5 years to support the growth of the economy and these have helped in achieving the macroeconomic stability we see today with inflation trending down to 11.37 percent from 18.72 in January 2017; exchange rate stability at current levels with considerable convergence and reserves build up to current level of over $45 billion compared to $23 billion in October 2016. Although we had hoped to achieve a lower level of interest rate, this became impossible given the normalisation of monetary policy in the United States and the over 60 percent drop in crude oil prices between 2014 and 2016.

You will agree with me that the consequences of these unfortunate occurrences was a heightened inflationary pressure on the economy and Monetary policy had no option but to embark on a regime of tightening so as to rein inflation. We also deployed measures aimed at supporting improved productivity of the Nigerian economy, by restricting access to foreign exchange on 43 items that could be produced in the country and also strengthened our intervention programs which helped in restarting the flow of credit to critical sectors of the economy.

As part of our interventions, we introduced the Anchor Borrowers Program(ABP); a program that helped to improve access to credit to Small Holder Farmers. Through our intervention programs such as Commercial Agricultural Credit Scheme and the Real Sector Support Fund, we have enabled large agro processors and manufacturers expand their operations, thereby supporting our efforts at improving domestic production of goods.

Whereas these results are reassuring, I think it is fair to state that our task at building a stronger economy is far from complete; with the pace of GDP growth remaining very fragile and badly lagging behind population growth rate of 2.7 percent. Indeed, we are yet to see a substantial increase in credit to the private sector by our financial institutions.

Our domestic industries particularly high employment generating sectors like textile and garment sectors have to deal with rampant smuggling and dumping of materials through our borders. These Challenges no doubt call for action by the Monetary and fiscal policies through the implementation of policies; the spirit and letter of which must be respected by all.

Furthermore, the rising volatility which we see today in the crude oil market occasioned by the rapid increase in the supply of shale oil by the United States, and which has seen its production rise from 9 million barrels per day in 2017 to over 12 million barrels per day today, portends great risk to Nigeria’s growth trajectory if we do not take actions that would wean us from excessive reliance on crude earnings for survival. This means that we must strengthen our efforts over the coming years to stimulate growth and create jobs in critical sectors of our economy that will help insulate our economy from shocks in the global economy.

In doing this, the CBN has recently been caught in a syndrome which we term “THE DILEMMA OF MONETARY POLICY IN NIGERIA”. Typically, for a nation to be seen to prosperous, any citizen of that country will expect the following macroeconomic indices to prevail: i.e. A low interest rate regime, a stable exchange rate regime and robust reserve position, a low inflationary environment, and lastly, an environment of full employment. In fact, I love these and would have less stress in monetary policy if all these are possible.

But the question we should ask ourselves at this session is, in the Nigeria of today, are these all possible at the same time? Indeed, we are fully cognizant of the diversity of opinions of even some of you in this audience regarding our actions on Monetary policy. Put succinctly, we have watched some so-called economic and financial analysts through TVs and others through the newspapers say that “to grow the economy and create jobs, the CBN must allow exchange rate to free float, and also allow inflation to rise; while at the same time allowing interest rates to come down.” We have also curiously observed that these analysts have often reached different conclusions from those of the CBN. Again I am not surprised at these views because most have done so with shockingly limited or out rightly incorrect information.

For example, we have watched some armchair analysts demand that the CBN stop “defending” the naira and simply allow market forces to determine the exchange rate. These analysts simply call for the Naira to be floated. To these analysts, let me remind them that the CBN Act demands that we “defend” the Naira using the foreign exchange reserves. In setting out the 5 principal mandates of the CBN, Section 2, Subsection C of the CBN Act 2007 reads and I quote “…maintain external reserves to safeguard the international value of the legal tender currency”. In effect, the CBN would be disobeying the law establishing it, if it sits idly by and allow the Naira to be determined wholly by the so-called market forces.

Second, those who call for floating of the currency betray their wilful ignorance of the effects of significant depreciation, however short-lived, on inflation. Several empirical analyses have shown that the pass-through of changes in the exchange rate on consumer prices is almost one-to-one. This implies that for every percentage point depreciation in the naira, there is almost the same rise in inflation.

Sadly, while most people in this room may be spared the brutal consequences of inflation, the majority of Nigerian Masses and fixed income earners are not. The poor masses are the ones that bear the brunt of losing purchasing power of the meagre salaries they receive, ever so infrequently. Indeed, given the current resistance to pay increased minimum wage of N30,000, one wonders how the fixed income earner would survive the consequences of inflationary pressure arising from the pas-through from exchange rate depreciation being proposed by the naysayers.

What better economic benefit would a young civil servant receive from us than knowing that when she returns to the market every month, she is sure of buying just about the same amount/ quantity of food and other goods she bought the previous month? For me, I’m very comfortable staying on the side of the weak, vulnerable, and poor masses and protecting their purchasing power, because as far as I am concerned, this idea of allowing a free float is both elitist and wrong. My final point on this is that academic thinking and institutional positions on this matter is now shifting in our favour.

For nearly a decade, a brilliant Harvard Professor of Economics kept publishing several papers showing that fully flexible exchange rates do not always lead to optimal economic outcomes. In a December 2017 article titled “The Elusive Benefits of Flexible Exchange Rates”, she concludes the following:

“There is no denying that flexible exchange rates provide valuable monetary-policy independence. But, in a dollar denominated global trade environment, the ability of a floating currency regime to support full employment is severely limited.”

Less than one year after Professor Gita Gopinath published this particular piece, the IMF hired her as their prestigious first female Chief Economist and Director of Research. Indeed, even the IMF now supports some form of interventionist managed float especially for countries that are grappling with difficulties. For instance, at the height of the struggles, Argentina faced with stabilizing its currency, the IMF extended a loan package of about US$57 billion to them, and approved a daily auction of about US$60 million by the Central Bank to defend the Argentine Peso.

The IMF supported this and in fact included this in their press releases for Argentina. So, to these group of arm Chair Experts in Nigeria, I ask: “How could you ever think you are more Catholic than the Pope”.

I have also heard a lot of people suggest that all they want is for the CBN to reduce interest rates. In fact, for us at the CBN, achieving a low interest rate regime will give us a great sense of accomplishment. Indeed, given our determination to stimulate economic growth, it is obvious that we would want to pursue a policy of moderating interest rates. Yet, in an environment where inflation recently was a high as 18.72 percent, it would be counter-productive to reduce interest rates because any attempt to ease interest rates under a high inflationary environment will no doubt retard growth. While we are delighted that we have been able to fight inflation down to very low double digits, we believe it is still too high for the Nigerian economy. Our goal is to moderate it down to single digits.

More also, we need to keep in mind that Nigeria’s high interest regime reflects not only the cost of capital, but also the cost of doing business in the country. A typical branch of Nigerian bank provides its own security with sometimes permanent police presence, its own electricity supply with several generators, diesel tanks and inverters and its own broad band internet services. For banks whose main source of income is from interest earnings, these deficiencies become costs which it must necessarily pass on to borrowers. So regardless of what we do at the CBN, it is important that we realise other aspects of our business environment that promote and sustain high interest rates.

With the foregoing, ladies and gentlemen, herein lies the DILEMMA OF POLICY MAKING IN NIGERIA. Indeed, I do understand why some may genuinely reach different set of conclusions and proffer different set of advice even when they have substantially correct information. Policymakers must therefore act with certain principles that ground and guide them especially in sometimes rapidly changing global environment. For example, not many people can claim to have foreseen the trade tensions between the USA and China, difficulties with Brexit, policy uncertainty and rapid spread of protectionist tendencies that the world now grapples with.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as leaders and policymakers, we must strengthen our resolve over the coming years to stimulate growth and job creation by putting in place unconventional policies that would help insulate our economy from shocks in the global economy. It is in an attempt to stimulate such discuss that we decided to participate in this session today. I will therefore encourage participants to highlight important building blocks that will lead to greater economic growth in our beloved country. We are eager to listen to your ideas and views on how we can help improve productivity and investments by companies operating in Nigeria; reduce our dependence on imported goods that can be produced in Nigeria; and increase our exports of non-oil goods and services.

Distinguished participants, in closing, I would like to welcome you once again to this roundtable session., I look forward to very robust discussions and comprehensive recommendations that will form part of our roadmap to be unveiled in the coming days with the aim of actualizing our collective intent of ensuring that the monetary policy authorities implement measures that will help drive the growth of the Nigerian economy.

Emefiele, gave the speech at a roundtable session held in Lagos on June 8, 2019.

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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Moniepoint Strengthens Efforts to Broaden Financial Access Through Collaborative Initiatives



Africa’s fastest growing financial institution according to the Financial Times, Moniepoint Inc has underscored the importance of a collaborative and holistic stakeholder approach in advancing the future of financial and economic inclusion in Nigeria.

In a recent high-level policy dialogue between the Nigerian government and private sector stakeholders held in Washington DC, Moniepoint Inc’s Group CEO and Co-Founder, Tosin Eniolorunda emphasized the importance of public-private collaborations in addressing trust issues that have slowed down the adoption of innovative fintech solutions for economic and financial inclusion.

“Moniepoint has long championed the importance of financial inclusion and financial happiness. Building trust with the public and government, improving business and consumer access to the financial system are critical issues that are aligned to our philosophy. As testament to our commitment, we recently launched a landmark report investigating Nigeria’s informal economy, highlighting opportunities to widen financial inclusion to historically underserved communities. The outputs from this strategic gathering will go a long way in bolstering Nigeria’s economy even as closer linkages are formed from public-private collaboration which will be a huge boost to the overall development and competitiveness of the larger financial services industry,“ Eniolorunda said.

The event, which brought together government officials, regulators, law enforcement agencies, and fintech industry leaders at George Washington University, aimed to leverage innovative approaches to drive a sustainable and inclusive financial system in Nigeria.

Vice President Kashim Shettima, addressing the gathering via video conference, highlighted the urgent need for financial innovation to drive Nigeria’s economic and financial inclusion agenda. This aligns with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration’s commitment to bringing over 30 million unbanked Nigerians into the formal financial sector as part of the Renewed Hope Agenda.

“We must develop a sustainable collaboration approach that will facilitate the adoption of inclusive payment to achieve our objective of economic and financial inclusion,” Vice President Shettima stated.

The dialogue focused on addressing critical challenges in Nigeria’s fintech ecosystem, including regulatory oversight, security concerns, and trust issues that have hindered the widespread adoption of innovative financial solutions. Participants explored strategies to enhance interagency collaboration and strengthen the overall effectiveness of the financial services sector.

Philip Ikeazor, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria responsible for Financial System Stability, emphasized the need for ongoing collaboration among all stakeholders to meet the goals of the Aso Accord on Economic and Financial Inclusion.

Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi, Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), advocated for “a digital-first approach and the fusion of digital literacy with financial literacy to address trust issues affecting the inclusive payment ecosystem.”

Dr. Nurudeen Zauro, Technical Advisor to the President on Economic and Financial Inclusion, explained that the gathering aims to evolve into a mechanism providing relevant information to the Office of the Vice President, facilitating effective decision-making for economic and financial inclusion.

The event resulted in various recommendations covering rules, infrastructure, and coordination, with a focus on implementable actions and clear accountabilities. As discussions continue, Moniepoint remains dedicated to leveraging its expertise and technology to support the government’s financial inclusion goals and create a more financially inclusive society for all Nigerians.

Other notable speakers included Inspector General of Police Mr. Kayode Egbetokun, Executive Director of the Center for Curriculum Development and Learning (CCDL) at George Washington University Professor Pape Cisse, Assistant Vice President at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management Mr. Reginald Emordi, Regional Director for Africa at the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) Mr. Lars Benson, and United States Congresswoman representing Florida’s 20th congressional district, The Honorable Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, Prof Olayinka David-West from the Lagos Business School among others.

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Banking Sector

CBN Rate Hikes Raise Borrowing Costs for Banks Seeking FX



Retail banking

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has implemented a significant adjustment to its borrowing rates.

The move, which follows the CBN’s recent decision to adjust the asymmetric corridor around the Monetary Policy Rate (MPR), has led to an increase in the cost of borrowing for banks seeking foreign exchange (FX).

This decision comes amid heightened concerns over the Naira’s performance and inflation rates.

According to Bismarck Rewane, Managing Director/CEO of Financial Derivatives Company Limited, the adjustment means that banks now face borrowing costs of nearly 32% from the CBN, a sharp increase from the previous rate of approximately 26%.

This change in borrowing costs is intended to deter banks from relying on the CBN for FX purchases, thereby reducing pressure on the Naira.

Data reveals that in the first five days of July 2024, banks borrowed an unprecedented N5.38 trillion from the CBN, marking a record high.

The increased borrowing costs are expected to reduce this practice, thereby alleviating some of the strain on the Naira.

Despite these efforts, the Naira has continued to struggle. On Tuesday, the Naira depreciated by 3.13% against the US dollar, with the exchange rate falling to N1,548.76.

This decline is attributed to reduced dollar supply and ongoing uncertainty surrounding Nigeria’s foreign reserves.

The black market saw an even sharper drop, with the Naira falling to 1,687 per dollar, reflecting broader concerns about currency stability.

Rewane highlighted that the recent rate hikes are part of a broader strategy by the CBN to manage inflation and stabilize the Naira.

“The increase in borrowing costs is a necessary step to address the carry trade practices where banks use cheap funds from the CBN to buy FX and sell it at higher rates,” he explained.

The CBN’s decision to raise borrowing costs comes amid a backdrop of persistent inflation and rising interest rates.

Over the past three years, the CBN has raised interest rates 12 times, with recent adjustments aimed at managing liquidity and curbing inflation.

As of June 2024, Nigeria’s headline Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached 34.19%, up from 33.95% in May.

The central bank’s policy changes are expected to have mixed effects.

Analysts at FBNQuest anticipate that banks will continue to benefit from the high-interest rate environment, potentially leading to a shift of assets from equities to fixed-income securities as investors seek higher yields.

The CBN remains committed to navigating Nigeria through these challenging economic conditions.

By adjusting borrowing costs and implementing tighter monetary policies, the central bank aims to strike a balance between managing inflation, stabilizing the Naira, and supporting overall economic growth.

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Senate Passes Bill for 70% Windfall Levy on Banks’ Forex Gains



Naira Exchange Rates - Investors King

The Nigerian Senate has approved an amendment to the Finance Act of 2023, increasing the windfall levy on banks’ foreign exchange gains from 50% to 70%.

The bill was passed during a plenary session on Tuesday after a thorough review by the Finance Committee.

The Senate’s decision aims to address the significant profits banks have accrued due to recent foreign exchange policy shifts.

This windfall is viewed as a product of government intervention rather than the banks’ strategic efforts, prompting the call for redistribution.

The additional revenue from this levy is expected to contribute to financing the N6.2 trillion Appropriation Amendment Bill.

This funding will support various government projects and initiatives, ensuring that the windfall benefits are reinvested into the economy.

The Senate also approved amendments to the payment timeline, setting the levy to take effect from the start of the new foreign exchange regime through 2025, avoiding retrospective application from January 2024.

Also, the Upper Chamber removed the proposed jail term for principal officers of defaulting banks.

Instead, banks that fail to remit the levy will incur a penalty of 10% per annum on the withheld amount, alongside interest at the prevailing Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Minimum Rediscount Rate.

This legislative move aligns with President Tinubu’s broader fiscal strategy, which aims to optimize national revenue through independent sources.

The amendment underscores the Senate’s commitment to leveraging bank profits for national development, especially amid economic challenges.

While some industry stakeholders express concerns about the impact on banking operations, others see this as a necessary step towards equitable wealth distribution and economic stability.

The bill’s passage is anticipated to have significant implications for both the financial sector and the broader economy.

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