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Surviving High Unemployment Rate in 2019



First Generation Unemployment
  • Surviving High Unemployment Rate in 2019

The year 2018 is coming to an end and there is nothing anyone can do about it, however, we can take a moment to reflect on series of events that defines us throughout the year and make necessary adjustments going into the new year.

As a nation, Nigeria is not going to reduce her 23.1 per cent unemployment rate in a year or two. Does that mean the unemployed have to put their lives on hold or continue to manage that low paying job?

The National Bureau of Statistics put the total number of underemployed people at 18.2 million in the third quarter of 2018, up from 18 million a year ago. Meaning, waiting for that desired job might take forever and if there is any opening at all be ready to compete with 39.1 million (total number of unemployed and underemployed) people looking to change their situation.

The question is why spending 5 to 8 years looking and praying for that desired job when you could have learnt a skill or two and start building that desired company? Nigeria’s current situation has no respect for graduates. According to NBS, 8.8 million of the 20.9 million unemployed Nigerians were first-time job seekers while the larger part of the remaining number were those that lost their jobs due to harsh economic condition. Again, zero job security after years of waiting and praying.

Start-ups is not just a permanent solution to never-ending job problems but also a national responsibility to reduce the high unemployment rate and enhance economic productivity as stated by the Vice President, Pro. Yemi Osinbajo, during the national VP debate.

Strategies to Survive High Unemployment Rate in 2019

Pick up a New Skill

It doesn’t matter how broke, busy or limited you are, learn a new skill in 2019. Join one of the numerous free online classes like World Quant University where students are taught data analysis for absolutely free and awarded a diploma certificate after 8 weeks. With the skill, you can become a data analyst and work as a freelancer for companies on Fiverr, Upwork and numbers of other websites. Also, you can start consulting for local companies and provide unique insights from their huge data.

A lot of people are stuck in their current situation, not because of limited opportunities but their inability to identify one amid life’s chaos. Often than not, we think we need millions to get started in life, whereas all we need to confront life’s challenges are what today armed us with and genuine efforts.

A lot of people are stuck in their current situation, not because of limited opportunities but their inability to identify one amid life’s chaos.

It doesn’t matter what skill you are planning to acquire, just ensure its a relevant skill with demand, online or offline.

Network With Like Minds

Starting a new business or learning a new skill with limited resources can be challenging but having the right people around you can help ease things and improve your chances. Startups generally struggle with sales at early stage so having people that trust you can help drive and sustain sales at the beginning.

The importance of networking can not be emphasised enough, especially in an economy like Nigeria. Talk to people that share the same aspiration like yourself and those that have done what you are trying to achieve, however, note that having a valuable network means you have to bring value to the table, its usually ‘trade by barter’.

Attend startups events, join professional social media group and write knowledgeably about your industry to establish your expertise. People like Richard Branson has proven that blogging can really boost sales and enhance brand penetration.

Use Social Media to Market Yourself

The advent of social media has changed the way managers approach marketing, in fact, most startups sell more online using their profile than offline where they lack a similar presence. The idea is to create familiarity and establish trust by speaking more about what you do and how businesses, people and friends can benefit from it.

According to Erik Qualman, we don’t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the question is HOW WELL WE DO IT.

Be professional, consistent and concise in every post.

Gaining attention on social media can translate to a job and boost revenue if the right strategy is adopted. It is good to note that you don’t need to have a tangible product, you can sell information and offer a service depending on your field.

Compliment of the season.

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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Real Madrid Breaks Financial Records, Posts €1 Billion Revenue Amid Stadium Overhaul



Real Madrid's Portuguese forward Cristia

Real Madrid has announced record-breaking revenue exceeding €1 billion for the 2023/24 fiscal year.

The club’s latest financial report reveals a €1.073 billion ($1.16 billion) in revenue, a substantial 27% increase from the previous year.

This impressive growth comes despite the ongoing overhaul of the Santiago Bernabéu, which has temporarily limited its full operational capacity.

The revenue surge highlights the club’s ability to generate substantial income through various channels, including marketing and stadium operations.

Real Madrid’s success is not confined to the pitch; it has achieved significant commercial milestones.

The 2023/24 season saw the club secure its sixth UEFA Champions League title in a decade, alongside domestic triumphs in La Liga and the Super Cup.

Also, Real Madrid’s basketball team also enjoyed a stellar season, clinching the Spanish league title, King’s Cup, and Spanish Super Cup, while reaching the Euroleague finals.

Despite a decline in broadcasting revenues from La Liga, the club’s financial performance has been buoyed by increased marketing and sponsorship deals.

Notably, Real Madrid secured a new shirt sleeve sponsorship with HP, contributing to a substantial rise in marketing revenues.

The club’s EBITDA soared to €144 million ($156 million), a 71% increase from the previous year, reflecting its robust financial health and operational efficiency.

The ongoing renovation of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, with a total investment of €1.163 billion ($1.262 billion), is set to further enhance the club’s revenue streams.

The final phase of the renovation, including VIP areas and event spaces, is expected to be completed by the 2024/25 financial year.

This development will likely drive additional revenue growth, reinforcing Real Madrid’s financial strength.

The club’s net worth stands at €574 million ($623 million), with a modest net debt of just €8 million ($8.6 million) as of June 30, 2024.

The financial results highlight Real Madrid’s resilience and strategic acumen, particularly in managing significant investments and leveraging commercial opportunities.

“Achieving over €1 billion in revenue is a groundbreaking accomplishment for Real Madrid,” said a club spokesperson.

“Despite the challenges posed by the stadium renovation, we have successfully driven growth through innovative marketing strategies and commercial partnerships. Our focus remains on building a stronger future both on and off the field.”

As the club prepares for the 2024/25 season, the anticipated arrival of Kylian Mbappé on a free transfer is expected to further boost commercial prospects and enhance the club’s marketability.

The combination of sporting success, strategic investments, and a renovated stadium positions Real Madrid for continued financial and on-field success.

Real Madrid’s achievement reflects broader trends in football finance, where top clubs are increasingly leveraging commercial opportunities to achieve unprecedented revenue milestones.

The club’s performance sets a new benchmark for financial success in the sport and underscores its enduring global appeal.

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Singapore Tops Passport Power Rankings, Overtakes European Rivals



Singapore has reclaimed its position as the holder of the world’s most powerful passport, surpassing European countries such as France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

According to the Henley Passport Index, Singaporean citizens can now enjoy visa-free access to 195 destinations globally, placing the city-state at the top of the rankings.

The Henley Passport Index, which uses data from the International Air Transport Association, evaluates 199 passports and their access to 227 destinations.

The latest update sees Singapore leapfrogging previous leaders, with the European quartet and Japan now sharing second place.

In third place are Austria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, South Korea, and Sweden, whose passport holders have visa-free access to 191 destinations.

This is the first time seven nations have occupied this spot together.

Juerg Steffen, CEO of Henley & Partners, emphasized the significance of passport strength in today’s globalized world.

“The ability to travel visa-free is more than convenience; it’s a powerful economic tool driving growth, fostering international cooperation, and attracting foreign investment.”

While Singapore rises, the United States continues its decline, now ranking eighth, a drop from its former position at the top alongside the UK a decade ago. The UK, meanwhile, has slipped to fourth place.

At the bottom of the list, Afghanistan remains the weakest passport, offering visa-free entry to just 26 destinations.

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Netflix’s Premium Plan Sees 40% Price Hike Amidst Nigerian Inflation




Netflix has increased its subscription prices in Nigeria with the Premium Plan seeing a 40% hike from ₦5,000 to ₦7,000 per month.

According to the updated pricing on Netflix’s website, the Standard Plan, popular for its HD quality and multi-screen options, now costs ₦5,500, up from ₦4,000—a 37.5% rise.

Meanwhile, the Basic Plan increased by 21% to ₦3,500, and the Mobile Plan saw a dramatic 83% jump from ₦1,200 to ₦2,200.

In April, Netflix adjusted its Premium Plan from ₦4,400 to ₦5,000 and its Standard Plan from ₦3,600 to ₦4,000. The Basic Plan remained unchanged at ₦2,900 during that period.

The company stated these changes were part of a broader strategy to enhance revenue and support its expanding content offerings.

This latest hike comes amid soaring inflation in Nigeria, which has significantly impacted the cost of living.

As food and essential goods prices rise, many Nigerians find entertainment subscriptions increasingly unaffordable.

Netflix’s price adjustments are not limited to Nigeria; similar increases have occurred in major markets like the United States, United Kingdom, and France.

In October 2023, both the Basic and Premium plans experienced hikes in these countries as part of Netflix’s global pricing strategy.

The frequent price hikes have sparked concern among Nigerian subscribers who already face economic challenges. Many are reevaluating their subscriptions as home entertainment costs continue to climb.

As Netflix continues to adjust its pricing to sustain growth and content expansion, Nigerian consumers are left weighing the value of their streaming subscriptions against other financial priorities.

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