Amidst a nationwide energy crisis plaguing Nigeria, the country finds itself in a paradoxical situation as abundant natural gas resources intended to alleviate power shortages are...
In a recent oil and gas report following Nigeria’s Decade of Gas plan policy dialogue, startling revelations have emerged about the struggling gas-to-power projects in Nigeria....
Gas retailers are sounding the alarm, cautioning that the price of a 12.5kg cooking gas cylinder may skyrocket to N18,000 by December if the Federal Government...
Nigeria Struggles to Curb Decades-Long Pollution
The Nigerian Federal Government has announced that it will impose a fine of $49 million (N22 billion) on oil and gas firms operating onshore for flaring...
The federal government has proposed a 50 percent tax increase on companies guilty of oil gas flaring
Costs, policy, and operating environment among others need to be reviewed if the Federal Government must end gas flaring by December 2022.
Nigeria LNG, a liquefied natural gas-producing company, said monetizing over 60% of flared gas through its various liquefied natural gas plant will drive Nigeria on the...
National Gas Flare Commercialization Program (NGFCP) to create 300,000 jobs annually
The Federal Government through the Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) has inaugurated a 12-member 'Gas Flare Commercialization Program Team' to manage the nation's gas flaring.