In yet another show of its commitment to reward loyal customers for maintaining a savings habit, leading financial institution, Fidelity Bank PLC has presented cash gifts...
Seeking to increase staff morale while empowering them to work more efficiently, Fidelity Bank has announced the promotion of 745 employees following the performance review of...
The United Nations’ 2019 Revision of World Population Prospects report reveals that about 62 per cent of Nigeria’s population are below the age of 25, and...
Adaptability and constant innovation, according to Indian billionaire industrialist and philanthropist Shiv Nadar, are critical to the survival of any business operating in a competitive market....
Fidelity Bank Plc., Nigeria’s leading tier-II bank, on Sunday announced seven strategic goals aimed at ensuring the bank continues to satisfy its growing customers, both Small...
Investors are not holding back on Fidelity Bank as the volume traded on the company’s shares rose by 49.7 percent or 13,973,482 from 28,094,407.00 shares traded...
Investors are jumping on shares of Fidelity Bank despite the bearish trend of the Nigerian Exchange Limited. The volume of shares traded on Fidelity Bank rose...
The Executive Director of Fidelity Bank Plc, Dr. Kenneth Opara, has purchased 30,005,700 shares of the bank, according to the latest report from the management. The...
Nelson Nweke, one of the non-executive directors of Fidelity Bank Plc, purchased 13,005,700 shares of Fidelity Bank on May 18, 2021. According to the latest disclosure...
Fidelity Bank Plc grew profit after tax from N5.859 billion recorded in the first quarter (Q1) of 2020 to N9.590 billion in the first quarter of...