Among the myriad of tactics employed by cybercriminals, phishing emails continue to reign as one of the most prevalent and effective methods for breaching personal and...
Kaspersky, a global leader in next-generation cybersecurity solutions and services, has ranked South Africa and Nigeria as the most attacked nations online in Africa.
The leading crypto trading company in Nigeria, Patricia, has paused withdrawals on its platform, following a security breach that saw it lose millions in crypto assets.
A Nigerian, Moses Upkonahusi has been convicted of $5,576 cryptocurrency fraud perpetrated in Abuja after obtaining a bitcoin value of 0.11088059 from Adam Murah, an Australian....
The most reported scams were phishing expeditions and large-scale spam operations aimed at getting unsuspecting individuals' passwords to their online banking apps, PayPal accounts, and the likes.
A Kaspersky report reveals that 7% of individuals and corporate users in Nigeria encountered phishing attacks on their devices, which were detected and stopped. Experts at...
A total of $706,452 has been paid in ransom to cybercriminals by Nigerian businesses
One of the leading Cryptocurrency Exchange Platforms, Coinbase disclosed that it has enhanced its security measures by adding extra layers of security features. The US-based crypto...
Hackers are using malware attacks to blackmail users "into meeting up with certain demands else they risk having their private information revealed to the public.
South African regulator, the National Consumer Commission (NCC) recently disclosed that it has unraveled a pyramid scheme known as ‘Obelisk’ which is a famous crypto mining...