Behind every great success story lies an often-overlooked tale of struggle, missteps, and lessons learned. Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, recently shared his untold journey of...
GCR Ratings has affirmed Dangote Industries Limited with national-scale long-term and short-term issuer ratings of AA+ and A1+, respectively. This affirmation highlights the company’s robust financial...
Aliko Dangote, chairman of Dangote Industries Limited, has leveled serious allegations against personnel from the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited and certain oil traders. Speaking...
Aliko Dangote, Africa’s wealthiest entrepreneur, has announced his willingness to sell his multibillion-dollar oil refinery to Nigeria’s state-owned energy company, NNPC Limited. This decision comes amid...
Aliko Dangote, chairman of Dangote Industries Limited, announced the company’s decision to halt plans to enter Nigeria’s steel industry. The decision comes just two months after...
Aliko Dangote announced on Monday that his long-awaited $20 billion refinery complex will commence petrol sales starting next month. The announcement came during a press briefing...
Aliko Dangote, the Chief Executive Officer of Dangote Refinery, announced that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Limited’s stake in the refinery has dropped from the...
In a powerful address at the ongoing summit organized by the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, issued a stark warning to...
The Dangote Group has announced a significant expansion of its refinery storage capacity. The expansion, disclosed by Alhaji Aliko Dangote, President of the Dangote Group, during...
Aliko Dangote, Africa’s richest person and founder of the Dangote Group, announced that he has repaid $2.4 billion of the $5.5 billion borrowed to construct his...