In a tragic turn of events, a rare and powerful earthquake rattled Morocco late Friday night, resulting in a devastating loss of life and extensive damage...
As of September 9th, 2023, the dollar to naira exchange rate is 1 USD to 930 NGN at the black market. This means that for every...
In a recent statement, Dr. Betta Edu, the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, announced that comprehensive changes are in the works for the Npower...
In the wake of disconcerting news that China’s manufacturing sector has contracted for the fifth consecutive month, global oil prices saw a dip on Thursday. Meanwhile,...
A recent crackdown has resulted in the dismissal of 110 bank employees over the past two years due to their involvement in various fraudulent activities. This...
Nigeria Struggles to Curb Decades-Long Pollution
The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has struggled to achieve just 47.6 percent of the Federal Government’s monthly registration goal of 2.5 million in the first...
The Nigerian Exchange Group Plc has announced its intention to pay an interim dividend of 25 kobo per ordinary share of 50 kobo each. This translates...
The Lagos State Government has disbursed N2.02 billion in retirement benefits to 644 deserving retirees. This was disclosed at the 101st retirement bond certificate presentation ceremony...
Robinhood Markets Inc. has broadened the horizons of its cryptocurrency wallet by adding support for Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE). This move signifies a significant step...