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EFCC Under Fire After Viral Video Shows Assaults During Hotel Raid




A disturbing video has surfaced online showing officials from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) invading Annex and Regional hotels in Isashi Ojo, Lagos, where they were seen assaulting guests and workers.

The footage reveals EFCC officers hitting a lady after breaking into a room.

The video, which has sparked outrage across social media, shows the officers engaging in unprofessional conduct, leading to widespread condemnation from Nigerians.

The hashtag #EFCCBrutality has been trending as citizens express their anger and call for accountability.

Social Media Reactions

Many Nigerians have taken to social media to voice their disapproval of the EFCC’s actions. Here are some of the notable comments:

Dee (@Nithsmit): “That lady (hotel manager) needs to sue them and leave the country immediately because these people in this video look like criminals in uniform.”

North Star (@echoeofself): “@officialEFCC what’s the meaning of all these senseless acts by people wearing your insignia boldly? Shouldn’t the establishment seriously look into these acts? Must Nigerian youths revolt and hit the streets before you all can take things like this seriously?”

Solomon Buchi (@Solomon_Buchi): “This is what they do! Barbarians. Untrained wild animals. This is why guns should be legal. They did the same to my kid bro.”

ABODE (@iamAbode): “I am deeply disturbed by the behavior exhibited by the EFCC officers in this video.”

EFCC’s Response

The EFCC has issued a statement regarding the incident in response to the backlash.

According to the commission, the Executive Chairman, Mr. Ola Olukoyede, has ordered the arrest of two officers involved in the manhandling of a female staff member at the Regional Hotel.

The statement, signed by Dele Oyewale, Head of Media & Publicity, reads:

“Regional Hotel Operation: Olukoyede Orders Arrest of Officers Involved in Unprofessional Conduct.

The Executive Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Mr. Ola Olukoyede, has ordered the arrest of two officers of the Commission allegedly involved in the manhandling of a female staff of Regional Hotel, Ojo, Lagos.

The officers were sighted in a viral video assaulting the staff of the hotel in an early morning sting operation in Lagos. The operation yielded a sizable number of suspects who are still being profiled.

The EFCC’s boss has also ordered detailed investigations of the operation carried out at the hotel and assured that appropriate disciplinary measures would be taken against any of the officers found to be culpable.

Olukoyede assures the general public that the EFCC would continue to ply its job professionally and with profound respect for the rule of law.”

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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Sport Business

Liverpool to Splash £51 Million on Atalanta Star Ademola Lookman



Liverpool FC is reportedly preparing to make a £51 million bid for Atalanta’s standout winger, Ademola Lookman.

The Nigerian international, who has impressed during his tenure in Serie A, is seen as a prime target to bolster Liverpool’s attacking options ahead of the upcoming Premier League season.

Lookman, 26, originally hailing from Everton made the switch to Atalanta BC in 2022 for a fee of around £13 million. Since then, he has flourished in Italy.

Over the past two seasons, Lookman has been instrumental for La Dea, contributing 2 goals and 18 assists in 78 appearances.

His standout moment came in the Europa League final where Lookman netted a memorable hat-trick to secure a 3-0 victory over Bayer Leverkusen, further solidifying his reputation as a game-changer.

Lookman’s stellar form has not gone unnoticed, with Liverpool emerging as frontrunners in the race to secure his services.

The Reds are reportedly ready to meet Atalanta’s £51 million valuation, signaling their intent to strengthen their squad under new manager Arne Slot.

The move comes amidst speculation surrounding Liverpool’s current attacking lineup, with stars like Mohamed Salah and Luis Diaz linked with potential exits to the Saudi Pro League and La Liga, respectively.

Lookman is viewed as a strategic addition to provide depth and versatility to Liverpool’s attacking options, should they face departures in the upcoming transfer window.

While Liverpool faces competition from other Premier League giants like Manchester United and Chelsea, who are also monitoring Lookman’s situation, the Reds are determined to secure the Nigerian winger’s signature.

Atalanta, meanwhile, values Lookman highly but is reportedly open to negotiations, especially considering the interest in several of their key players this summer.

The club’s stance may also hinge on the future of midfielder Teun Koopmeiners, as they aim to maintain stability amidst potential departures.

Liverpool’s pursuit of Ademola Lookman signifies their proactive approach in the transfer market as they aim to strengthen their squad for the challenges ahead in both domestic and European competitions.

As negotiations progress, fans eagerly await developments that could see Lookman don the iconic red jersey at Anfield in the upcoming season.

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Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake Strikes Near Central Peru Coast



Alaska 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake - Investors King

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale struck the area near the coast of central Peru at approximately 12:36 am local time, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

The seismic event is part of a series of at least three tremors that occurred within a span of 10 minutes, all of which were felt in the capital city, Lima.

The most recent and strongest tremor was recorded eight kilometers west of Atiquipa.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) has issued a warning that tsunami waves ranging from one to three meters above the tide level could impact some coastal regions of Peru.

As of now, the Peruvian government has not reported any injuries or fatalities resulting from the earthquakes.

Emergency services and disaster response teams have been mobilized to assess the situation and provide aid where necessary.

Authorities are closely monitoring the affected areas for aftershocks and potential secondary hazards.

Residents of Lima and surrounding regions have reported significant shaking, prompting many to evacuate buildings and seek safety in open spaces.

Social media platforms are flooded with accounts of the tremors, with many expressing relief that there have been no immediate reports of casualties.

The National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI) has urged residents in coastal areas to remain vigilant and follow any evacuation orders that may be issued in response to the tsunami threat.

Also, INDECI is coordinating with local governments to ensure that emergency shelters and resources are available for those in need.

Peru, situated on the seismically active Pacific Ring of Fire, is no stranger to earthquakes. The country has experienced several significant quakes in the past, leading to a robust disaster response infrastructure.

However, the frequency and intensity of recent seismic activity have underscored the ongoing need for preparedness and resilience.

In light of the earthquake, neighboring countries and international organizations have extended offers of assistance.

The global community remains attentive, ready to support Peru through this period of heightened seismic activity.

As the situation develops, authorities will continue to provide updates and safety instructions to the public.

The focus remains on ensuring the safety and well-being of residents, minimizing damage, and restoring normalcy as quickly as possible.

The tremors have served as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of natural disasters and the importance of continual preparedness and swift, coordinated response efforts.

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North Israel Turns Into Ghost Towns Amid Hezbollah Missile Barrage



Israel Gaza

Once bustling with life, the northern regions of Israel have turned into ghost towns. Abandoned houses and scorched forests paint a grim picture, the result of relentless missile strikes from Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, southern Lebanon is experiencing a parallel devastation, with entire areas reduced to rubble by Israeli bombardments.

This escalating tit-for-tat conflict, which began in October alongside the Gaza war, is shifting into increasingly alarming territory.

A Steady Escalation

Hezbollah has launched a record number of projectiles this month — around 900 — hitting various targets in Israel.

The militant group’s leader claims overwhelming volunteer support for fighting Israel “without any rules, restraints, or ceiling.”

Israel, in response, has intensified its military operations in Lebanon, with deeper and more destructive strikes.

The Israeli northern military command has even approved a new battle plan for potential extended conflict.

Volatile Dynamics

While both Hezbollah and Israel publicly state they do not desire a full-scale war, concerns are mounting that one might be inevitable.

The potential for a broader conflict has drawn the attention of international diplomats.

Senior US and French officials have made urgent visits to Jerusalem and Beirut in an attempt to mediate and prevent further escalation.

Diplomatic Efforts

The current diplomatic plan hinges on Hezbollah moving its fighters back from the Israeli border.

Negotiations are starting with the aim of establishing a 10 km buffer zone, monitored by international forces and the Lebanese army.

However, Hezbollah ties its actions directly to the conflict in Gaza, indicating that border negotiations will only follow a ceasefire there.

Human Toll

The human impact of the conflict is immense. Tens of thousands have been displaced on both sides of the border.

In southern Lebanon, neighborhoods in villages like Aita Al-Shaab and Aytaroun have been leveled, exacerbating an already dire economic situation.

Lebanon is still reeling from a financial crisis that saw its currency collapse and led to the first-ever default on its Eurobonds.

Economic Impact

In Israel, the constant missile barrage threatens to overwhelm its lauded air defense systems and could cause severe economic repercussions.

The Israeli finance ministry predicts a potential drop in GDP growth from 1.9% to -1.5% if the conflict escalates, which could lead to a credit downgrade.

International Concerns

The international community is deeply concerned about the potential for a broader regional conflict.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has warned of the catastrophic consequences if the situation escalates further.

US President Joe Biden’s administration is also keen to avoid another Middle Eastern war, especially with elections approaching.

Future Uncertainty

Despite the diplomatic efforts, the situation remains volatile. Israel’s campaign against Hamas in Gaza is ongoing, making a simultaneous conflict with Hezbollah even more challenging.

The public in both Israel and Lebanon is weary of war, but the continuous cycle of attacks and retaliations makes peace seem elusive.

As summer progresses, the world watches anxiously, hoping that diplomatic channels will prevail over military might, and that the region will not plunge into another devastating war.

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