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Biden Set to Quadruple Tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles in Defense of American Workers



Electric car

President Joe Biden is preparing to quadruple tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) as part of a broader strategy aimed at safeguarding American workers and industries.

The decision, expected to be announced imminently, reflects the Biden administration’s commitment to confronting perceived unfair trade practices and protecting domestic interests.

According to sources familiar with the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of ongoing negotiations, the Biden administration will unveil measures to significantly increase tariffs on Chinese EVs and other key sectors.

The total tariff on Chinese electric vehicles is set to soar from 27.5% to 102.5%, marking a substantial escalation in trade barriers.

The impending tariff hike comes after nearly two years of review and deliberation, during which the Biden administration scrutinized the economic implications and strategic importance of various industries.

The decision to quadruple tariffs underscores the administration’s determination to address what it perceives as unfair trade practices that undermine American competitiveness and jeopardize vital sectors.

President Biden and his advisors have meticulously crafted the tariff measures, balancing the imperative to protect American industries with the need to avoid disruptions to the supply chain.

While specific details of the tariff adjustments remain undisclosed, the overarching objective is clear: to shield American workers from unfair competition and bolster domestic manufacturing capabilities.

The 2024 presidential race looms large over the flagship announcement, as Biden seeks to differentiate his approach to trade policy from that of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

While Biden is poised to largely renew Trump’s original tariffs, he aims to strike a delicate balance, eschewing widespread hikes that could trigger retaliatory measures and exacerbate global economic tensions.

The decision to quadruple tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles is not without its critics and potential repercussions.

Some industry observers warn of potential disruptions to supply chains and increased costs for consumers, while others question the effectiveness of tariffs as a tool for achieving broader economic objectives.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting American interests and promoting fair and reciprocal trade practices.

By quadrupling tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, President Biden sends a clear message that the United States will vigorously defend its industries against perceived threats and ensure a level playing field for domestic businesses.

As the announcement of the tariff escalation draws near, stakeholders across industries are closely monitoring developments and assessing the potential implications for their operations. With tensions between the United States and China showing no signs of abating, the Biden administration’s tariff measures are likely to further shape the dynamics of global trade and economic relations in the coming months.

Only time will tell how China will respond to the Biden administration’s tariff escalation and whether it will impact broader efforts to foster constructive dialogue and cooperation between the world’s two largest economies. For now, the stage is set for a renewed intensification of trade tensions, with the fate of American workers and industries hanging in the balance.

Is the CEO/Founder of Investors King Limited. A proven foreign exchange research analyst and a published author on Yahoo Finance, Businessinsider, Nasdaq,, Investorplace, and many more. He has over two decades of experience in global financial markets.

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Baidu and Alibaba Move to Fill OpenAI Void in China




Baidu Inc. and Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. are stepping in to fill the void left by OpenAI’s abrupt withdrawal from the Chinese market.

This development comes as OpenAI, the creator of the widely-used AI tool ChatGPT, announced it will cut off access to its services in China, effective from July.

OpenAI’s decision to ban access has triggered a swift response from major Chinese AI companies, eager to capitalize on the opportunity to expand their influence in the burgeoning field.

In recent memos to Chinese users, OpenAI warned that it would halt access to its AI development software and tools, leading to a scramble among local companies to attract developers.

Baidu and Alibaba, along with other tech giants such as Tencent Holdings Ltd. and startups like Zhipu AI, have launched various initiatives to entice developers to transition to their platforms.

Baidu is offering free AI model fine-tuning and expert guidance on its flagship Ernie model, alongside 50 million free tokens for developers.

Alibaba and Tencent have also posted advertisements encouraging the shift, with Baichuan, backed by both Alibaba and Tencent, offering 10 million free tokens.

This move is seen as a chance for Chinese tech leaders to increase their market share and strengthen their positions in the AI sector.

“Leading Chinese large language models can benefit from the restricted access to OpenAI, and it will help to filter out smaller, less effective players from the market,” said You Chuanman, head of the Chinese University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen’s IIA Centre for Regulation and Global Governance.

However, the move also presents challenges, as it deprives smaller startups of some of the best tools available for AI development.

The impact of OpenAI’s exit extends beyond corporate maneuvering. It highlights the ongoing geopolitical tensions between China and the United States, particularly in the realm of advanced technologies.

The U.S. has been actively seeking to curb Beijing’s AI and semiconductor advancements, and OpenAI’s withdrawal is viewed as part of this broader strategy.

Chinese artificial intelligence-related stocks, including those of Alibaba and Iflytek Co., saw an uptick following the announcement.

This reflects investor confidence in the ability of local companies to seize the opportunity and drive innovation in the absence of OpenAI.

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Digital Payment Boom in Nigeria Driven by Sub-N10,000 Transactions



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Nigeria’s electronic payment landscape is undergoing a significant transformation, fueled by a surge in micro transactions, defined as transfers below N10,000.

This boom underscores the increasing adoption of digital channels in everyday life, according to a recent analysis by BusinessDay.

The prominence of these micro transactions gained momentum following the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s cashless policy initiative.

The policy, announced in October 2022 by then CBN Governor Godwin Emefiele, included a naira redesign to bolster monetary policy, promote digital alternatives like the eNaira, and enhance the currency’s integrity.

By January 2023, the scarcity of physical naira notes prompted many Nigerians to embrace digital payment channels.

Data from the Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System (NIBSS) revealed that cashless transactions rose by 45.41% year-on-year to N39.58 trillion in January 2023.

This upward trend continued throughout the first quarter of 2023, with cashless transactions increasing by 44.84% to N126.73 trillion compared to the same period in 2022.

By the end of 2023, total cashless transactions had surged to over N600 trillion from N395.38 trillion in 2022, as more Nigerians adopted digital payment methods.

The trend persisted into 2024, with transactions growing by 88.09% to N237 trillion in the first quarter.

However, this substantial increase in e-payment transactions has not translated into higher government revenue through the Electronic Money Transfer Levy (EMTL).

In the first quarter of 2024, the government collected N66.35 billion from EMTL, the same amount as in the corresponding period of 2023.

This stagnation is primarily because most transactions were less than N10,000 and thus not subject to the tax.

The EMTL, introduced in the Finance Act 2020 as an amendment to the Stamp Duty Act, is a single, one-off charge on electronic receipts or transfers of money deposited in any bank or financial institution on any account for sums of N10,000 and above.

Despite higher e-payment volumes, the government’s expected increase in revenue has not materialized due to the prevalence of micro transactions.

“Payment methods have become easier, faster, and better, and people are using them for everyday things,” said Adedeji Olowe, founder of Lendsqr. “Everyone from small kiosks to supermarkets now accepts transfers. If I go downstairs where I live, I can buy something worth N1,000 and pay with transfers.”

This shift signifies a maturing payment space where real-time transfers are becoming more acceptable in an economy striving to reduce reliance on physical cash.

Africa had the highest real-time share of electronic payments in 2023 at 40%, with Nigeria leading the region, according to ACI Worldwide.

Experts in the payment space note that most transactions in the country are below N10,000.

“The range below N6,000 makes up about 45% of transfer transactions. Some in the range of N10,000 is around 25%,” an industry source commented.

“The boom in micro transactions began when the cashless policy was implemented. People started moving away from cards and focusing more on transfers as a means of payment,” said Nosa Oyegun, VP of product and innovation at Kuda.

This shift has led to the rise of new fintech companies like PalmPay, Opay, and Moniepoint, with point-of-sale withdrawals increasingly conducted via transfers rather than cards.

The micro transaction growth is also enhancing financial inclusion by drawing more individuals into the digital financial system.

“It is good for them because there is now more access to financial services,” an industry source noted.

While it may not result in higher tax revenue for the government, experts argue that the boom in micro transactions supports the government’s digital inclusion and economic growth plans.

“It is fostering a national policy… I don’t think it is lost revenue for the government because it is like the gold. I don’t think you can tax it,” an industry expert said.

The growth of micro transactions also reflects the general economic downturn, with Nigerians grappling with double-digit inflation.

“People are struggling today due to economic downturn. Incomes have been strained and most people go for things that are affordable, which are usually cheaper than N10,000,” said Ike Ibeabuchi, a macro economy analyst.

The Federal Government has outlined plans to generate N483.73 billion from EMTL over three years in the 2023-2025 Medium Term Expenditure Framework and Fiscal Strategy Paper.

However, the significant increase in micro transactions suggests a shift in Nigeria’s digital payment landscape, highlighting the role of small-scale transfers in driving the e-payment boom.

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Flutterwave Teams Up with EFCC to Launch Cybercrime Research Hub in Nigeria



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Flutterwave has partnered with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to establish a cutting-edge cybercrime research center in Nigeria.

This initiative comes in response to recent significant financial losses suffered by the payment technology company due to fraud.

Flutterwave, a leading payment technology company in Africa, has faced substantial financial setbacks due to cybercrime.

Recently, the company obtained a court order to recover $24 million lost to unauthorized Point of Sale (POS) transactions.

Also, Flutterwave reportedly lost N11 billion ($7 million) to fraudulent accounts in April 2024. These incidents have underscored the urgent need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.

The partnership was formalized through a memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed on June 14 in Abuja by Flutterwave’s CEO, Olugbenga Agboola, and EFCC Secretary, Mohammadu Hammajoda.

The signing ceremony also saw the presence of EFCC Chair, Ola Olukoyede, and Christopher Gray representing the FBI, among other notable figures.

Agboola emphasized Flutterwave’s expertise in combating internet fraud, particularly the tactics employed by notorious fraudsters known as Yahoo Boys.

He highlighted that the new cybercrime research center would equip anti-corruption agents with advanced technological tools and techniques to detect and prevent cybercrimes.

“The state-of-the-art center, to be built at the EFCC academy, will focus on seven key areas: advanced fraud detection and prevention, collaborative research and policy development, youth empowerment and capacity building, technological advancement, and resource enablement,” Agboola stated.

The establishment of the cybercrime research hub is a proactive step to address the rampant internet fraud that threatens the stability and trust in Nigeria’s financial systems.

The collaboration aims to enhance the capabilities of EFCC operatives in preventing, detecting, and prosecuting financial crimes.

Ola Olukoyede, the EFCC Chair, praised the initiative as a significant leap forward in the fight against financial crimes.

“The cybercrime research center will significantly enhance our capabilities to prevent, detect, and prosecute financial crimes,” Olukoyede remarked. “The EFCC is impressed with Flutterwave’s strides across Africa, and this partnership marks a crucial step towards ensuring a secure financial landscape for Nigerians.”

The partnership between Flutterwave and the EFCC signifies a robust commitment to cybersecurity, aiming to create a safer and more secure financial environment in Nigeria.

This initiative not only addresses immediate financial threats but also aims to build a resilient framework to combat future cybercrimes effectively.

With the launch of the cybercrime research hub, Flutterwave and the EFCC are set to lead the charge against financial fraud, ensuring that the Nigerian financial sector remains secure and trustworthy for all stakeholders.

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