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The Role of the Jockey in Horse Racing: Training, Skills and Strategies




Usually, at horse races, the focus is on the horses. No surprise. Accordingly, bettors intensively study the parameters and characteristics.

However, unlike greyhound racing, the horse does not run the distance alone.

The role of the jockey in this sport cannot be understated, and if you monitor betting-related resources like, you know that they work together with the horse. Let’s find out how much influence the rider has on the outcome of the competition.


Professionals say that it is not the horse that wins the race but the jockey. This may be an exaggeration, but still, the role of the rider is significant. Let’s figure out what they are responsible for in the horse racing process.

  • The jockey decides at what speed the horse travels each section of the track and what trajectory it follows. The specialist knows when to spur the horse and when to hold it back.
  • The second duty directly follows from the first. The rider develops race tactics to plan the pace and actions of the animal throughout the race.

Overall, the jockey plays a critical role in the success of the equestrian sport. Riders link horse and trainer, ensuring optimal execution of training and competition programs. Without a human, the horse may not reach its potential and perform at its best on the track.

Requirements for Jockeys

Obviously, any sport imposes certain requirements. Horse racing is no exception. And while people often discuss the characteristics and potential of horses, they rarely talk about jockeys. Let’s look at what an ideal rider should be like.

  • Weight is a jockey’s number one enemy. Regardless of gender, the usual weight of a jockey is 50-52 kg. Before the race, the jockey and saddle are weighed. If the weight is below average, the rider must compensate with additional weight. The opposite case is known when a jockey weighs himself without boots to meet the limit. They went to the races in the same form as at the weigh-in.
  • The gold standard for height is considered to be 150 – 167 cm. Previously, these requirements were mandatory, but today they have been removed. However, traditionally, when choosing a jockey, preference is given to short riders.
  • Good physical shape is required. Sedentary work in the fresh air is only in photographs. Behind the scenes, hours of training and hard work go into the saddle. A jockey’s working day begins very early. It is also a dangerous profession. Falls and serious injuries are not uncommon.
  • A professional must have deep knowledge. In addition to perfect riding and seating, the specialist must be familiar with the horse’s anatomy and physiology. They understand and feel the animal, know how to cheer it up, put it in a working mood, and give confidence.

Unfortunately, few places in Kenya train jockeys. By the way, you can read about the state of this discipline in general in this article.

Functions of Jockeys

In general, jockeys play an essential role in equestrian sports, being skilled athletes who ride horses to victory. They help the horse perform at its best and correctly distribute efforts over the entire length of the distance. Their functions include:

  • Control: It is obvious that the jockey controls the horse: regulates its speed, sets the optimal trajectory of movement. That is, the rider uses all his riding skills to lead the horse to the finish line first.
  • Tactics and strategy. An experienced rider can instantly assess the situation on the track and choose the best plan. First, this concerns the speed limit and the distribution of the animal’s energy during the race.
  • Fitness and training: Jockeys are directly involved in the training and preparation of the horse. They spend many hours daily at the racetrack, keeping the animal in good shape and developing its athletic performance. Riders also monitor the condition of their animals and assist in their training and physical development.
  • Analysis and preparation. A jockey’s participation in horse racing begins long before the race. The specialist studies the strengths and weaknesses of his animal and competitors. Based on this data, the rider develops a training plan and the race. Success in race requires a solid plan, and riders must constantly improve this skill.
  • Communication. Jockeys are the closest thing to these beautiful animals. They study their behavior and determine its needs. Often, it is the rider who conveys valuable information to the trainer and horse owner. Accordingly, jockeys must perfectly read the slightest signals the animal gives during communication.


Now you see what a significant role jockeys play in horse racing. These unsung professionals are on the front lines and largely determine the outcome of horse racing. The discipline imposes strict requirements, so becoming a good jockey is difficult. Next time you watch a horse race, pay attention to these participants and consider their experience in making betting predictions.
