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European Union Lawmakers Propose Strict Rules And Regulations For Artificial Intelligence Tools



European Union

A group of European lawmakers has proposed strict rules and regulations for Artificial Intelligence tools to regulate them from posing a risk to society.

In a letter formulated by 12 members of the European Parliament, titled “A call to action on very powerful AI from the European Parliament”, these lawmakers are urging international corporations on the need to regulate the development of AI tools which industry experts have warned could pose danger if precautions are not taken.

In the letter, these Lawmakers aim to steer the development of very powerful artificial intelligence in a direction that is human-centric, safe, and trustworthy through an AI act.

The letter reads in part,

“The recent advent of and widespread public access to powerful Al, alongside the exponential performance improvements over the last year of Al trained to generate complex content, has prompted us to pause and reflect on our work. The Al Act is a risk-based legislative tool, meant to cover specific high-risk use cases of Al.

“However, we believe that we also need a complementary set of preliminary rules for the development and deployment of powerful General Purpose Al systems that can be easily adapted to a multitude of purposes. In this spirit, we took note of the open letter initiated by the Future of Life Institute and co-signed by hundreds of academics, experts, and business leaders calling for a 6 months moratorium on the development of powerful artificial intelligence. We share some of the concerns expressed in this letter, even while we disagree with some of its more alarmist statements.

“We are nevertheless in agreement with the letter’s core message: with the rapid evolution of powerful Al, we see the need for significant political attention. Our actions and decisions can guide us into a world full of Al potentials, whereas inaction can widen the gap between the development of Al and our ability to steer it, leaving the door open for more challenging future scenarios”.

The proposed rules and regulations by the EU lawmakers are coming following recent advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which have demonstrated that the speed of technological progress is faster and more unpredictable than policymakers around the world have anticipated.

These lawmakers are therefore determined to provide within the framework of the AI Act, a set of rules specifically tailored to steer the development of AI in the right direction. Investors King understands that they have also called on the European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen and the United States President Joe Biden to organize a high-level global summit on Artificial Intelligence with the view to agreeing on a set of principles for the development, control, and deployment of AI rules.
