Jaiz Bank Improves 2022 Profit By 46% To N6 Billion | Investors King
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Jaiz Bank Improves 2022 Profit by 46% to N6 Billion



Jaiz Bank

Jaiz Bank reported an increase in its profit for the year 2022 to N6 billion. The financial report seen by Investors King shows that the value reported is 46% greater than the amount reported the year before.

During the year, the income from financing jumped to N22 billion in 2022 from N15 billion in the previous year led by improvement in Murabaha transactions, Ijara transactions and profit from others.

Murabaha is an Islamic banking contract that is basically a contract for the sale of goods at cost plus an agreed profit while the Ijara process is asset-based rather than credit-based Islamic financing method.

The bank saw an increase in income from financing contracts as Murabaha’s profit in the corporate and retail values rose to N8.8 billion and N4.1 billion in 2022 from N6.6 billion and N2.9 billion reported in the previous year. Also, Ijara Wa Iqtina Profit- Corporate and Ijara Wa Iqtina Profit-Retail grew to N1.8 billion and N2.4 billion in 2022 from the respective N1.3 billion and N2.2 billion in the previous year.

As for income from investment activities, trading assets and Sukuk drove the segment to record N2 billion and N7.6 billion respectively from N1 billion and N7.9 billion in 2021 while the gross income from financing transactions was N31 billion from N24 billion in 2021.

Bank’s fees as Mudarib/profit from Bank joint investments totaled N28 billion from N20 billion in the previous year. The amount of profit paid from financing investment to Mudarabah account holders amounted to N7 billion from N6 billion while profit from joint investment amounted to N13 billion from N9 billion in 2021.

Fees and Commission Income – consisting banking services, net income from e-business and LC trade finance income – as well as other operating income – consisting Wakala income and miscellaneous income – amounted to N1.6 billion and 340 million from N1.1 billion N557 billion.

Staff cost, depreciation and amortization and operating expenses drove total expenses to N16 billion compared to the N13 billion in the previous year and the profit before tax was N6.7 billion from N4.4 billion.
