Ericsson AB, renowned for its global stature in 5G networks, is quietly emerging as a significant player in mobile payments across the developing world. Currently powering...
Zimbabwe’s embattled currency has taken a hit, plunging by over 40% on the black market as the demand for foreign exchange continues to outpace the available...
Kenya abandoned a plan to buy back a portion of a $2 billion eurobond, sidestepping a potential default on the terms of the debt, which mature in...
In a strategic move to address the escalating debt crisis facing Africa, the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and the Debt Management Office are forging a...
Somalia has successfully negotiated the cancellation of $4.5 billion in debt with international lenders, marking a pivotal moment in the nation’s journey toward economic recovery. The...
Amid Egypt’s most severe economic challenges in recent years, citizens have embarked on a three-day-long electoral journey as they cast their votes in a pivotal election...
The Nigerian Federal Government has called on West and Central African countries to foster collaboration for the success of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)....
A new report from Standard Chartered Bank Group anticipates that intra-Africa exports will surge to $1 trillion by 2035 following the implementation of the African Continental...
Lafarge Africa Plc, a leading player in the building materials industry, has reported strong financial performance for the third quarter of 2023 despite economic challenges in...
The German government, under increasing pressure to curb irregular migration, is exploring unconventional measures to deter asylum-seekers. The latest proposal comes from Christian Lindner, leader of...