
Kenya Sends 400 Officers to Haiti to Help Quell Gang Turmoil, Says Ruto



Kenyan President William Ruto has announced the deployment of 400 police officers to Haiti, marking a significant step in international efforts to combat the escalating gang violence in the Caribbean nation.

The officers were sent off from the National Police College in Nairobi, where Ruto expressed his confidence in their mission to restore peace and stability in Haiti.

In a statement released on Monday, the Kenyan presidency detailed the mission, emphasizing its importance in the history of global solidarity.

“This mission is one of the most urgent, important, and historic in the history of global solidarity,” Ruto said. “It is a mission to affirm the universal values of the community of nations, a mission to take a stand for humanity.”

The deployment is part of a broader international effort supported by the United Nations Security Council to assist Haiti’s beleaguered security forces.

Haiti has been grappling with severe gang violence, particularly in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and across large parts of the countryside.

The gangs have paralyzed the local economy through kidnappings, extortion, and turf wars.

The United States has also shown support for the deployment, viewing it as a crucial reinforcement for Haiti’s security forces.

The U.S. hopes that the additional personnel will help restore stability without overshadowing existing police efforts.

Initially delayed by a Kenyan court decision, the deployment has now gained momentum. Ruto assured that the government remains committed to the welfare of the deployed officers, announcing an increase in police salaries and improved welfare measures starting next month.

“This is a pivotal moment for our police force, and I have full confidence in their ability to make a significant impact in Haiti,” Ruto stated. “Their dedication and professionalism will shine through in this critical mission.”

The deployment comes at a time of domestic unrest in Kenya, where police recently clashed with protesters opposing President Ruto’s proposed Finance Bill 2024.

The bill aims to raise $2.4 billion through new taxes on various goods, including sanitary pads and bread, sparking widespread opposition.

Despite the domestic challenges, Ruto emphasized the importance of the international mission. “Our commitment to global peace and security remains unwavering, even as we address pressing issues at home,” he said.

The Kenyan officers’ mission in Haiti is expected to provide much-needed support in restoring law and order, reflecting Kenya’s commitment to international peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts.

As they embark on this historic journey, the eyes of the world will be on them, hoping for a swift and lasting peace in Haiti.



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