Treasury Bills

CBN to Issue N1.56 Trillion in Treasury Bills for Q3 2024



The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has unveiled its plan to issue N1.56 trillion worth of treasury bills during the third quarter of 2024.

This strategic move aims to manage inflation, finance the government’s budget deficit, and regulate liquidity in the financial system.

Compared to the N1.56 trillion issued in the second quarter of 2024, the upcoming issuance represents a slight decrease of 4.87 percent.

The allocation breakdown for the treasury bills issuance in Q3 includes N170.85 billion for 91-day tenors, N189.35 billion for 182-day tenors, and a significant portion of N1.20 trillion for 364-day tenors.

Treasury bills issuance is a crucial tool employed by the CBN to influence various aspects of the economy.

By adjusting the supply of money in circulation, managing inflationary pressures, and providing a means for the government to fund its activities, these financial instruments play a pivotal role in shaping economic conditions.

The impact of treasury bill issuance extends to households and individuals, influencing interest rates on savings and investments.

As the yields on treasury bills serve as benchmarks for other interest-bearing assets, changes in these rates can affect returns on savings accounts, fixed deposits, and other investment vehicles, consequently shaping the financial landscape for individuals and families.

Moreover, the issuance of treasury bills contributes to the broader economic environment by supporting price stability and fostering conducive conditions for sustainable economic growth.

By absorbing excess liquidity from the financial system, these bills help mitigate inflationary pressures and create an environment conducive to economic expansion and job creation.

However, amidst these efforts to manage inflation and stabilize the economy, challenges persist, particularly regarding high inflation rates.

Inflation erodes purchasing power, making goods and services more expensive and diminishing the real value of savings.

While the CBN’s initiatives to address inflation through treasury bill issuances are commendable, addressing underlying factors such as supply chain disruptions and fiscal imbalances remains essential for long-term economic stability and improved living standards.



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