Npower Payment: NASIMS Confirms Payment of Allowance to Non-Graduate Trainees

The Npower programme has continued in its efforts to empower young Nigerians with both skills and funds, as it has trained over 3,000 youths from the North East and North Central regions of the country under the Npower sub-programme, N-knowledge.
However, the payment issues concerning the Npower beneficiaries’ stipends from September/October still remain. Even though the Federal Government said that all the September payments have been made, a good number of the Npower Batch C beneficiaries have stated that they have not seen any payments. Some even say their payment status has not been changed to ‘Pending’ which signifies the first step of the payment process.
The body in charge of overseeing the Npower programme, the National Social Investment Management System (NASIMS) recently released an update concerning the payment of the most recent allowance to non-graduate trainees of the Npower programme.
In a Facebook post dated December 21, NASIMS addressed the payment of allowance to the non-graduate Npower trainees. The body called attention of readers to the fact that the latest allowance for the Npower non-graduate trainees has been paid, even as they are undergoing their trainings at different centres.
Even with the confirmation of the payment, the body said that not all of the trainees have been credited. NASIMS urged the others to remain patient and be assured that all those who are qualified to be paid will be paid in due time.
NASIMS then closed the post by wishing the trainees well as the training continues, imploring them to make good use of the skills that they have been taught during the training.
After that, NASIMS stated in another post also dated on December 21 that the Npower non-graduate trainees were also given laptops and certificates of participation on completion of their training.
Concerning the Npower shortlisted candidates, people are waiting on the release of the list that shows those who will be participating in the next phase of the programme. NASIMS has however confirmed that the list is not out yet.