
Total Customers With Prepaid Meters Rise to 1.67m



  • Total Customers With Prepaid Meters Rise to 1.67m

The total number of customers with prepaid meters in the country rose slightly from 1.65 million in the third quarter of 2018 to 1.67 million in the fourth quarter.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) disclosed this in its report titled, “Power Sector Report: Energy Generated and Sent Out and Consumed and Load Allocation (Q4 2018)”.

According to the report, the Abuja Disco has the highest number of customers metered, closely trailed by Benin Disco and Eko Disco. While Yola Disco has the lowest number of customers metered.

In related news, the bureau put the total power generated from thermal power stations at 68,625 MegaWatts per hour (MWh) in the fourth quarter, while hydropower stations generated an average of 27,913 MWh of energy during the same period.

“Thermal stations generated a peak of 80,856 MWh on 20th December 2018, while the hydro stations attained a peak of 32,681 MWh on the 21st of October, 2018.”

“However, the lowest daily energy generation of 44,367 MWh was attained by thermal stations on 29th of October 2018 while the lowest daily energy generation of 21,457 MWh was attained by hydro stations on 21st of December 2018,” the report stated.

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